
Nalezeno "Dencun": 75

Breaking Down Dencun’s Potential to Slash Ethereum Costs

Ethereum’s major upgrade, “Dencun” is scheduled to drop on March 13, and, according to developers, it will immediately decrease gas fees on layer 2s by 75%. A new technological feature called proto-danksharding, aka blobs, is driving this impressive added scale. Proto-danksharding...

Ethereum Dencun upgrade set to go live on March 13

1. Introduction to Dencun Upgrade: Ethereum’s roadmap heralds the arrival of “The Surge” era with the Dencun upgrade, which opens the door for layer-two rollups to achieve mass scalability. These updates will increase Ethereum’s usability and accessibility, promoting...

5 Things To Expect From Ethereum’s Upcoming Dencun Upgrade

Ethereum's much-anticipated Dencun upgrade is scheduled for a mainnet launch on March 13, following successful testnet launches in February. The post 5 Things To Expect From Ethereum’s Upcoming Dencun Upgrade appeared first on Cryptonews

Ethereum Developers Set March 13 as Target Date for Dencun Upgrade

Ethereum developers have set a mainnet launch date for the Dencun upgrade, which will introduce several Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs), including proto-danksharding, which is expected to drive down transaction costs on layer 2. During a bi-weekly coordinating call on Thursday, Ethereum...

Ethereum announces Dencun Upgrade on Sepolia and Holesky Testnets

The Ethereum Foundation’s network developers recently unveiled a major announcement regarding the deployment schedule for the highly anticipated Dencun upgrade on the Sepolia and Holesky test nets.  The upgrade will enable additional functionalities on the Sepolia and Holesky test nets...

Ethereum Foundation Reveals Finalized Dencun Upgrade Timeline

In a recent announcement by the Ethereum Foundation, the Ethereum blockchain network is set for a major enhancement through the introduction of Dencun. The foundation elaborated that Dencun is scheduled to launch on the Sepolia network at epoch 132,608 on Jan. 30, 2024, and will subsequently...

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