
Nalezeno "Elon Musk": 1529

Another Crab’s Treasure: The Kotaku Review

I think most of us are constantly trying our hardest to fill the Dark Souls and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice-shaped holes in our lives. They’re simply some of the greatest games ever, and no one can really be blamed for seeking more of them. Time and time again, studios have tried their hands...

Elon Musk Gets Owned By Elden Ring Morse Code Master

A favorite pastime of Kotaku is spotting the new and ludicrous ways people have found to best super-tough games like Elden Ring. Whether using a harp or an ass, people are both incredible and incredibly inventive. It turns out, though, that not everyone’s capable of appreciating that. So when...

Elon Musk Admits His Posts Probably Bad For Site He Spent $44B On

In a recently released deposition for an October 2023 defamation lawsuit, businessman and eternally online divorcée Elon Musk spoke about the impact his posts on X (formerly Twitter) have had on the business side of the social media site, which he purchased for $44 billion in October 2022....

První pacient s čipem v mozku trávil první noci po operaci u videohry

Prvnímu pacientovi, kterému byl do hlavy implantován mozkový čip společnosti Neuralink, se daří dobře. I když inovativní technologii čeká ještě mnoho vylepšení, kvadruplegik Noland Arbaugh už teď mluví o významném zlepšení svého života. Mimo jiné dokáže například celou noc hrát počítačovou...

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