
Nalezeno "Limit": 237

Nový denní limit počtu zobrazených tweetů omezuje i Tweetdeck

Majitel Twitteru Elon Musk opět provedl nečekanou změnu. O víkendu oznámil, že sociální síť omezuje počet tweetů, který si uživatelé mohou na Twitteru zobrazit za jeden den. Limit pro předplatitele (tzv. ověřené profily) byl nejprve stanoven na 6 tisíc tweetů za den, pro neplatící uživatelé...

Biggest Bank in Australia to Limit Transfers to Crypto Exchanges

Commonwealth Bank of Australia plans to restrict payments to crypto trading platforms, citing the threat of scams. The measure would deal another blow to digital asset exchanges operating in the country where it has been getting harder to deposit funds for cryptocurrency operations. Crypto Traders...

Fitch Maintains Negative Watch on US Rating Despite Debt Limit Resolution

Although the U.S. has averted defaulting on its debt obligations, Fitch Ratings still has concerns about the country’s ability to repay its debt. As a result, the credit rating agency has placed the U.S. “AAA” rating on negative watch, emphasizing that recent events have lowered...

Biden, Republicans Strike Tentative Deal to Raise US Debt Ceiling

The White House and House Republicans have reached an agreement in principle to raise the U.S. debt ceiling. Described by President Joe Biden as “good news for the American people,” the deal would open the door to avoiding a historic default by the government in Washington...

Putin Wants Limit on Currency Purchases for Russians Dealing With Foreigners

Russian citizens and firms doing business abroad may soon be restricted in the amount of foreign currency they are allowed to acquire, on order from Vladimir Putin. Russia’s head of state now wants his government to cap such purchases on the domestic forex market. President Putin Orders Russian...

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