
Nalezeno "R5 currency": 3766

Israel to Launch Digital Shekel Test for Payment

The "digital shekel," also known as the central bank digital currency (CBDC), is being developed at a faster pace by the Bank of Israel (BoI). The bank recently provided an update on May 28 that included preparations for the payment use case of the CBDC through the 'Digital Shekel Challenge'...

Bank of Israel Launches Digital Shekel Challenge

The Bank of Israel has announced the Digital Shekel Challenge, inviting various entities — private companies, public sector organizations, and academic institutions — to participate in the digital shekel’s experimental environment. The initiative aims to foster the development of innovative...

South African Central Bank Opts Against Publishing CBDC Study Findings

The South African Reserve Bank has reportedly decided not to unveil the findings of the initial phase of its central bank digital currency feasibility study. Instead, the central bank said it is currently focused on the second phase of the study and will release a report once it is satisfied with...

Donald Trump’s Crypto Holdings Top $10 Million, Arkham Says

Former U.S. President and presidential candidate Donald Trump’s cryptocurrency holdings reached $10 million on Monday morning, according to crypto analytics firm Arkham’s onchain tool. The bulk of Trump’s holdings, $7.3 million, is in the TRUMP coin. Trump has pledged...

TRUMP Coin Taps All-Time High, Up Over 30% in 24 Hours Post-Convention

Following former President Donald Trump’s appearance at the Libertarian National Convention, the meme coin associated with his name, maga (TRUMP), has soared more than 30% in the past day. Current statistics show that the meme coin TRUMP is the top-performing cryptocurrency over the last 12 months...

US House Passes Central Bank Digital Currency Anti-Surveillance State Act

The House of Representatives has passed Congressman Tom Emmer’s CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act, which prohibits the Federal Reserve from issuing a surveillance-oriented central bank digital currency (CBDC). The lawmaker emphasized that the bill protects American values of privacy and individual...

IMF Calls Zimbabwe’s Gold-Backed Currency an ‘Important Policy Action’

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has stated that Zimbabwe’s recently introduced gold-backed fiat currency represents a significant policy step. This is the IMF’s first substantial comment on the currency since its inception. The global lender has reportedly announced plans to send a team...

US House Votes to Block Federal Reserve’s Digital Dollar Plans

The US House on Thursday approved a bill that prohibits the Federal Reserve from issuing a digital dollar, or central bank digital currency (CBDC), without explicit authorization from Congress. The post US House Votes to Block Federal Reserve’s Digital Dollar Plans appeared first on Cryptonews

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