Nigerians’ Rejection of Their CBDC Is a Cautionary Tale for Other Countries
Nigerians are protesting their country's CBDC and demanding renewed access to paper money, despite government incentives to use the digital currency
Bitcoin Price and Ethereum Prediction: A Tale of Two Cryptos as BTC Fights Resistance at $23,750 and ETH Awaits Its Fate
Bitcoin and Ethereum were unable to reverse their downward trend and remained under pressure. While BTC is hovering around the $23,500 level as investors opted for safer investment options amidst growing macroeconomic uncertainties.
However, the sharp decline in Bitcoin's value came after...
Journalist Unravels Wild Tale of Vitalik Buterin's $1 Billion Crypto Donation to Indian Covid Relief Fund
Back in 2021, amid the best of the bull run and the worst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Vitalik Buterin made a now legendary donation of $1bn in SHIB to support Covid-19 efforts in India.
Now almost two years later, an investigation by top crypto journalist Isabel Hunter (DL News) has revealed that...
A Plague Tale: Requiem už na PC umí ray tracing
Bitmex Co-Founder Criticizes Former FTX CEO for Not Liquidating Hedge Fund Alameda
The Bitmex co-founder, Arthur Hayes, criticized Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced FTX co-founder, on Friday after Bankman-Fried published his first blog post on his new Substack newsletter. “All this talk about what Alameda did is misdirection,” Hayes insisted. “It doesn’t matter how they hedged...
Ashley Bardhan's Top 5 Games Of 2022
I only consider myself a “gamer” in a literal sense—I play video games every year, but only a modest handful of those already familiar to me, like my darling Bloodborne or Super Smash Bros. I started working at Kotaku this year, though, and by demand, 2022 became my most “gamer” year ever, with...
Stáhněte si zdarma Ghost of a Tale. Neuvěříte, že hru dělal jediný člověk
V rámci propagace vánočních slev, rozdává digitální obchod s hrami GOG vynikající akční adventuru Ghost of a Tale. Přestože disponuje i z dnešního pohledu krásnou grafikou, je z velké většiny dílem jen jediného člověka
Poslechněte si hudbu k A Plague Tale: Requiem v podání orchestru
Hollywood, Streaming Giants Scramble for Movie Rights to FTX Saga
After the FTX collapse, the story seems as though it came from a financial thriller based on fiction and made-up characters. However, the story and the people behind it are very real and today’s streaming giants like Amazon, Apple, and Netflix are vying to get the rights to tell the FTX tale....
A Plague Tale: Requiem už vyzkoušelo milion hráčů
A Plague Tale: Requiem už vyzkoušelo milion hráčů
From Hairstylist to Crypto Trader: A Cautionary Tale
Silvia was a New York hair stylist to rock stars who became a technical trader in Puerto Rico. Here’s how she got rich, only to lose everything in the crypto winter. This article is part of CoinDesk’s Trading Week
A Plague Tale: Requiem’s Rats Rule, But The Bugs Are Less Welcome
Often, when I’m walking through Brooklyn, the sweating black garbage bags on the sidewalk start moving. There’s a pattering sound coming through the plastic. Then a fat pink tail or a snout pops out, or there’s a flash of matted, greasy gray fur and I yelp with recognition: it’s a fucking rat. Read...
Xbox Game Pass Is A Huge Treat For Horror Fans This Month
It was only a couple of weeks ago that we updated our guide to the best Halloween games on Game Pass, so naturally Xbox has gone and made it all out of date by announcing a slew of spoopy titles its add to the subscription service. With names like Amnesia and Soma, get ready for the top-level...
Recenze hry A Plague Tale: Requiem. Větší, velkolepější a lepší
Pokračování putování sourozenecké dvojice temným středověkem konečně dorazilo. Připravte se na tisíce krys, hutný příběh a jednu velkou emotivní jízdu
RECENZE: A Plague Tale: Requiem ukazuje, jak má vypadat správné pokračování
Vývojáři z francouzského studia Asobo dokázali navázat na svoje tři roky staré krysí dobrodružství A Plague Tale a vylepšili je v každém myslitelném ohledu. Filmové vyprávění o putování dvojice dětí válkou zbídačenou historickou Francií snese nejpřísnější měřítka kvality a svojí propracovaností...
Budete hrát A Plague Tale: Requiem na PC? Nároky jsou následující
A Plague Tale: Requiem vynechává staré konzole a také na PC je skok z minimální konfigurace na doporučenou poměrně citelný
Xbox Game Pass Is Surprisingly Loaded This Month
The spooky season is upon us and a lowkey stacked October for Xbox Game Pass is bringing the rat kings, H. R. Giger body horror, and twee trick-or-treating to celebrate. Whether you just want to go medieval against online strangers in Chivalry 2 or bask in the striking beauty of A Plague Tale:...
Druhý díl A Plague Tale bude daleko ambicióznější než ten první
European Banking Authority Concerned About Hiring Talent to Oversee Crypto Space
Europe’s banking sector regulator is worried it won’t manage to find the specialized personnel needed for the oversight of the EU’s attempt to regulate the crypto market. The authority is also concerned over the lack of clarity regarding which digital assets it’s...