
Nalezeno "": 51

How to Make a Media Query-less Card Component

Fun fact: it’s possible to create responsive components without any media queries at all. Certainly, if we had container queries, those would be very useful for responsive design at the component level. But we don’t. Still, with or without container queries, we can do things to make our components...

Discover New Projects And Features

Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that was not written by Since its launch on November 28th, 2018 by DIGITAL SERVICE, euro/cryptos exchange platform has been constantly improving, particularly in the light of numerous feedbacks received from its users. Here...

Why every website wants you to accept its cookies

I'm probably in the minority on this, but I've never ever built one of those "This site uses cookies, here's some kind of explanation of why, and please click this OK button to accept that" bars that feels like they are on half of the internet. Emily Stewart: Most of us just tediously click “yes”...

The New Good Ol’ Days

Eighteen years into this game, I love to reminisce back to the good ol’ days of the early to mid-2000s when there was an explosion of creativity on the web. It felt fresh and unbridled, with boundaries expected to be pushed at every turn, and they were. This was mainly down to one thing, the thing...

Emcee Tips for a Conference or Meetup

There are some great resources out there to help conference speakers give better talks, but fewer for people who are preparing to take on the role of emcee at meetup or conference. I've been fortunate enough to emcee conferences more than 20 times now, most recently JAMstack_conf which I help...

Two Images and an API: Everything We Need for Recoloring Products

I recently found a solution to dynamically update the color of any product image. So with just one <img> of a product, we can colorize it in different ways to show different color options. We don’t even need any fancy SVG or CSS to get it done! We’ll be using an image editor (e.g. Photoshop...

Now Buy Music At Using BNB

Blockchain technology has demonstrated its utility across a number of industries including financial technology, supply chain, logistics, hospitality, healthcare, etc. Even in the case of the music industry, blockchain seems to be a promising measure to tackle the issue of piracy. The open ledger...

Grid to Flex

Una Kravets shows how to make layouts in CSS Grid with flexbox fallbacks for browsers that don’t support those grid properties just yet. Una writes: CSS grid is AMAZING! However, if you need to support users of IE11 and below, or Edge 15 and below, grid won't really work as you expect...This site...

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