
Nalezeno "crypto farms": 65

Iran Allows Renewable Power Plants to Supply Crypto Miners With Electricity

Authorities in Iran have decided to permit power generation plants using renewable sources to sell electricity to licensed cryptocurrency miners. The move comes after the government asked mining companies to suspend activities in order to avoid winter blackouts. Crypto Miners in Iran to Mint...

Power Deficit Forces Crypto Miners to Leave Kazakhstan

Electricity shortages have been dogging Kazakhstan’s booming crypto mining industry this year. A media report reveals that some miners, including some of those that moved in amid China’s crackdown on the sector, are now looking to relocate to destinations with a more stable energy...

Iran Orders Crypto Miners to Halt Operations to Prevent Winter Blackouts

Authorities in Iran have again told licensed miners to suspend their activities in the face of electricity shortages during the cold winter months. Following a period of similar restrictions this past summer, authorized companies were allowed to resume mining in September. Crypto Mining Farms...

Iceland Refuses to Power New Bitcoin Farms Amid Electricity Shortages

Cryptocurrency mining is among several energy-intensive industries hurt by a power deficit in Iceland. The country’s main utility is now rejecting requests to connect new coin minting facilities to the grid, after cutting supply to aluminum smelters and fish factories. Iceland Turns Away...

Russia, Ukraine Shut Down Several Cryptocurrency Farms

Authorities in Russia and Ukraine have closed down a number of illegal crypto mining facilities allegedly powered by stolen electricity. The underground farms have been discovered around the capital cities, Kyiv and Moscow, as well as in the Russian republic of Dagestan. Russia Busts Illegal Mining...

More Regulations Proposed to ‘Streamline’ Mining Sector in Kazakhstan

Authorities need to expand the regulatory framework for cryptocurrency miners, a member of the parliament in Kazakhstan has suggested. The additional rules should streamline their activities and help correct the forming public opinion that they are responsible for the country’s electricity...

Single Mining Farm Needs as Much Power as 24,000 Homes, Kazakhstan Estimates

Authorities in Kazakhstan have calculated the energy used in the country’s crypto mining industry which competes for electricity with other sectors of the economy and households. The government has also estimated the additional supply necessary to meet the growing demand from mining farms...

Russian Oil Companies Propose to Mine Cryptocurrencies at Their Wells

Companies involved in oil production in Russia have come up with a project to organize the mining of cryptocurrencies right next to the oil fields they are exploiting. Data centers devoted to coin minting can be powered by the excess gas released during oil extraction which would otherwise...

Abkhazia Extends Internet Restrictions for Cryptocurrency Miners

The government in Abkhazia has extended an order prohibiting access to internet sites used by cryptocurrency miners. The measure is part of a wider ban on activities related to the extraction of digital coins that also limits the use of electricity and imports of mining equipment in the breakaway...

Abkhazia Seizes 6,000 Mining Devices but Fails to Disrupt Crypto Mining

Authorities in Abkhazia have confiscated thousands of mining machines, closing down all large crypto farms, yet they have admittedly failed to put an end to illegal mining operations. The breakaway republic of Georgia has been struggling with power shortages blamed on underground miners. 30,000...

Iran Shuts Down More Illegal Crypto Farms, Bringing Total to Over 5,300

Authorities in Iran are continuing their crackdown on unauthorized cryptocurrency mining as electricity demand remains high. The country’s power utility company has so far closed down more than 5,300 illegal mining facilities, seizing an enormous amount of coin-minting machines. Power...

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