
Nalezeno "deflationary": 71

Ethereum Might Dethrone Bitcoin as Best Crypto Store of Value, Study Argues

A recent paper authored by members of several universities, including Sydney and Macquarie, argues that recent changes in Ethereum monetary policy are making it a better store of value than bitcoin. The deflationary effect that the EIP-1559 proposal has caused in the issuance of the currency...

Ethereum Has Burned More Than a Million ETH Over the Last 3 Months

111 days ago, the Ethereum network implemented the London hard fork upgrade which added a mechanism (EIP-1559) that changed Ethereum’s fee rate to a new scheme that makes the crypto asset ether deflationary. Since then 1 million ether has been burned or the equivalent of around $3.8 billion...

BEUROP Launches DeFi Trading and Marketing Platform for Blockchain Startups

PRESS RELEASE. Blockchain Euro Project BEUROP has announced the launch of its DeFi trading and Marketing platform for cryptocurrency startups and everyday users. Monday 18th, London, England — Following the launch of it’s deflationary BEPR token, Blockchain Euro Project (BEUROP)...

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