
Nalezeno "digital money": 74

Palestinians Ponder Digital Currency as Move for Monetary Independence

The Palestine Monetary Authority is exploring the possibility of issuing its own digital currency. For Palestinians, the minting of a national coin would represent a step, at least a symbolic one, towards achieving monetary independence from the State of Israel. Digital Currency to Help...

Shanghai to Hand Out $3 Million in Digital Yuan Lottery

As part of government efforts to get the digital yuan going, authorities in Shanghai will distribute $3 million worth of the central bank-issued currency among residents of Shanghai. The digital money will be dispersed through a lottery, a method that has already been implemented elsewhere...

Dental Clinic in Ontario to Accept Cryptocurrency for Its Services

Southdown Dental, a clinic in Mississauga, Ontario, is introducing a new payment option. Patients will soon be able to pay with cryptocurrency for its services. The dental clinic says it will take digital money for any procedure, from regular checkups to children’s braces. Canadian Dental...

Every Fourth Australian Willing to Be Paid in Bitcoin, Poll Finds

A new survey has established that one in four Australians would like to receive at least part of their salary in cryptocurrency. While the motives vary between the members of this diverse group, the results indicate that the Australian nation’s overall interest in decentralized digital money...

Bill Gates Champions His Own ‘Digital Money’ - But What Is It?

Wikipedia/World Economic Forum/ by Remy Steinegger Microsoft supremo Bill Gates has distanced himself from bitcoin (BTC) buying, dismissing fellow American entrepreneur Elon Musk’s own crypto moves – while talking up a digital money or payments infrastructure that to some...

Kim Dotcom Publishes a Website That Highlights the Benefits of Bitcoin Cash

On February 12, the founder of the now-defunct file-sharing website Megaupload and cryptocurrency proponent, Kim Dotcom tweeted about a new website he created that shows the upside of bitcoin cash. The web portal highlights why people should join the digital money revolution...

Legally Speaking, is Digital Money Really Money?

Catalina Margulis is a consulting counsel in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Legal Department’s Financial and Fiscal Law unit, seconded from the Central Bank of Chile. Arthur Rossi is a Research Officer in the IMF Legal Department’s Financial and Fiscal Law unit. ___ Countries are moving fast...

IMF Says Only 23% of Central Banks Can Legally Issue Digital Currencies

Researchers at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have examined the central bank laws of 174 IMF members to answer the question of whether a digital currency is really money. They found that of all the central banks studied, only about 23%, or 40 central banks, “are legally allowed...

The Many Facts Pointing to Wei Dai Being Satoshi

Satoshi Nakamoto has been an enigma for well over a decade and there’s been a number of suspects and self-styled Bitcoin inventors. One particular suspect is the computer engineer Wei Dai, the creator of the b-money system and the Crypto++ cryptographic library. Since the Bitcoin network...

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