
Nalezeno "frameworks": 104

Using Nuxt and Supabase for a Multi-User Blogging App

Nuxt is a JavaScript framework that extends the existing functionality of Vue.js with features like server-side rendering, static page generation, file-based routing, and automatic code splitting among other things. I’ve been enjoying using frameworks like Nuxt and Next because they … The...

How to Build a Full-Stack Mobile Application With Flutter, Fauna, and GraphQL

(This is a sponsored post.) Flutter is Google’s UI framework used to create flexible, expressive cross-platform mobile applications. It is one of the fastest-growing frameworks for mobile app development. On the other hand, Fauna is a transactional, developer-friendly serverless … The...

Jamstack Community Survey 2021

The folks over at Netlify have opened up the Jamstack Community Survey for 2021. More than 3,000 front-enders like yourself took last year’s survey, which gauged how familiar people are with the term “Jamstack” and which frameworks they … The post Jamstack Community Survey...

Web Frameworks: Why You Don’t Always Need Them

Richard MacManus explaining Daniel Kehoe’s approach to building websites: There are three key web technologies underpinning Kehoe’s approach: ES6 Modules: JavaScript ES6 can support import modules, which are also supported by browsers. Module CDNs: JavaScript modules can now … The...

Components: Server-Side vs. Client-Side

Building a website in 2021? I’m guessing you’re going to take a component-driven approach. It’s all the chatter these days. React and Vue are everywhere (is Angular still a thing?), while other emerging frameworks continue to attempt a push … The post Components: Server-Side vs. Client-Side...

Integrating TypeScript with Svelte

Svelte is one of the newer JavaScript frameworks and it’s rapidly rising in popularity. It’s a template-based framework, but one which allows for arbitrary JavaScript inside the template bindings; it has a superb reactivity story that’s simple, flexible and effective; and as an ahead-of-time (AOT)...

“I Don’t Know”

I’ve learned to be more comfortable not knowing. “I don’t know”, comes easier now. “I don’t know anything about that.” It’s okay. It feels good to say. Whether it’s service workers, Houdini, shadow DOM, web components, HTTP2, CSS grid, “micro-front ends”, AVIF… there are many paths before...

Sharpen Your JavaScript Skills with Pluralsight (Sponsored)

JavaScript recently turned 25 years old, and while it started by dominating over the client side world, this beautiful programming language is well on its way to taking over the server side. JavaScript isn’t just thriving — it’s evolving with new syntax features, patterns...

What’s Old is New

This year, I learned a lot about how “old” tricks can solve a lot of modern problems if you use the right tools. Following the growth of Jamstack-style development has been both a learning experience, while also a nostalgic one. It’s been amazing to see how you can power plain...

Designing a JavaScript Plugin System

WordPress has plugins. jQuery has plugins. Gatsby, Eleventy, and Vue do, too. Plugins are a common feature of libraries and frameworks, and for a good reason: they allow developers to add functionality, in a safe, scalable way. This makes the core project more valuable, and it builds a community...

Spotting a Trend

There are tons of smokin’ hot websites out there, with an equal or greater number of talented designers and developers who make them. The web is awesome like that and encourages that sort of creativity. Even so, it amazes me that certain traits find their way into things. I mean, it makes...

“The Modern Web”

A couple of interesting articles making the rounds: Tom MacWrite: Second-guessing the modern web Rich Harris: In defense of the modern web I like Tom’s assertion that React (which he’s using as a stand-in for JavaScript frameworks in general) has an ideal usage: There is a sweet spot...

The Cost of Javascript Frameworks

I expect this post from Tim Kadlec to be quoted in every performance conference talk for the next few years. There is a lot of data here, so please check it out for yourself, but the short story is that JavaScript-framework-powered sites are definitely heavier and more resource-intensive than...

Collective #603

Gallery * Responsive CSS Motion Path * Spacing in CSS * pattern.css * The Cost of JavaScript Frameworks Collective #603 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

No-Class CSS Frameworks

I linked up Water.css not long ago as an interesting sort of CSS framework. No classes. No <h2 class="is-title">. You just use semantic HTML and get styles. Is that going to “scale” very far? Probably not, but it sure is handy for styling things quickly, where — of course...

Building a Real-Time Chat App with React and Firebase

In this article, we’ll cover key concepts for authenticating a user with Firebase in a real-time chat application. We’ll integrate third-party auth providers (e.g. Google, Twitter and GitHub) and, once users are signed in, we’ll learn how to store user chat data in the Firebase Realtime Database...

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