Pomozte vyvinout frontend pro česko-ukrajinský překladač, žádají čeští lingvisté
Experti na strojový překlad v Ústavu pro formální a aplikovanou lingvistiku MFF UK v Praze (ÚFAL) žádají dobrovolníky o pomoc s vývojem webu, na kterém má běžet dokončovaný automatický překladač mezi češtinou a ukrajinštinou
El Salvador Switches Tech Providers — Chooses Alphapoint to Operate Chivo Bitcoin Wallet
On February 2, 2022, the blockchain infrastructure provider Alphapoint has announced that the Salvadoran government has chosen the firm to operate the bitcoin wallet Chivo. The bitcoin wallet is the largest fintech application in the country and Alphapoint “supports the frontend and backend...
Collective #696
Charm * Make Free Stuff * PHP in 2022 * Frontend Predictions for 2022 * clay.css
The post Collective #696 appeared first on Codrops
Vite + _____
Vite, “Next Generation Frontend Tooling” from Evan You, has been capturing a lot of attention. I’ve heard rave reviews from developers, even in private chats (you gotta try this!). Being from Evan, Vite works great with Vue, …
The post Vite + _____ appeared first...
Our Learning Partner: Frontend Masters
Frontend Masters has been our learning partner for a couple of years now. I love it. If you need structured learning to up your web development skills, Frontend Masters is the place. It works so well because we don’t offer …
The post Our Learning Partner: Frontend Masters appeared...
Collective #659
Frontend Practice * Noise in Creative Coding * Practical Accessibility
The post Collective #659 appeared first on Codrops
Collective #657
Natto * Glob Editor * Frontend Toolkit * Say Hello To CSS Container Queries
The post Collective #657 appeared first on Codrops
The Mobile Performance Inequality Gap
Alex Russell made some interesting notes about performance and how it impacts folks on mobile:
[…] CPUs are not improving fast enough to cope with frontend engineers’ rosy resource assumptions. If there is unambiguously good news on the tooling front,
The post The Mobile...
Vylepšete vaše frontendové dovednosti na dalším Reactive Online Meetupu 2. března
První Reactive Online Meetup roku 2021 se zaměří na frontend. Jako řečníci vystoupí vývojáři Jakub Kopřiva z Mews a Samuel Snopko ze Storyblok. Zatímco jeden představí možnosti řešení problému při adaptaci TypeScriptu, druhý…
Thinking Outside the Box with CSS Grid
Great tutorial from Alex Trost (based on some demos, like this one, from Andy Barefoot) showcasing how, while CSS grid has straight grid lines across and down, you can place items across grid lines creating a staggered effect that looks pretty rad. Grid-like, but it appears to align to diagonal...
Quick LocalStorage Usage in Vue
localStorage can be an incredibly useful tool in creating experiences for applications, extensions, documentation, and a variety of use cases. I’ve personally used it in each! In cases where you’re storing something small for the user that doesn’t need to be kept permanently...
Why you should hire a front-end developer
Matt Hobbs says you should hire a front-end developer because…
“A front-end developer is the best person to champion accessibility best practices in product teams.”
“80-90% of the end-user response time is spent on the front end.”
“A front-end developer takes pressure...
Micro-frontends – novinka, která stojí za větší pozornost
V pořadí už osmý Reactive Online Meetup rozvede téma micro-frontends – nového architektického trendu ve vývoji frontend aplikací. Tématu se ujme Luca Mezzalira z DAZN a Mandred Steyer – Angular expert, kteří vám…
Collective #609
Frontend Mentor Challenges * Shape Divider App * :is() and :where() * No Design Development * HTML5 Boilerplate 8.0.0
The post Collective #609 appeared first on Codrops
Increment Issue 13: Frontend
Increment is a beautiful quarterly magazine (print and web) published by Stripe “about how teams build and operate software systems at scale”. While there is always stuff about making websites in general, this issue is the first focused on front-end¹ development.
I’ve got...
Collective #601
LCH colors in CSS * Frontend Mentor * Responsive Images the Simple Way * Button?Design * Interactive Timetable
Collective #601 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
An Annotated Docker Config for Front-End Web Development
Andrew Welch sings the praises of using Docker containers for local dev environments:
Here are the advantages of Docker for me:
• Each application has exactly the environment it needs to run, including specific versions of any of the plumbing needed to get it to work (PHP, MySQL...
Workshop React Best Practices
Ovládněte React na jedničku. Pro všechny JavaScript a Frontend vývojáře je určen workshop s názvem „React Best Practices“, který je posune na další level. Především díky spoustě praktických příkladů rychleji pochopí koncepty. Kromě…
Our Learning Partner: Frontend Masters
I'd like to think there is a lot to learn on CSS-Tricks. But we don't really offer much by the way of courses. You're probably reading this because you just generally read this site, and you land on CSS-Tricks otherwise mostly because you are looking for an answer to some front-end...
A Recap of Frontend Development in 2019
I noted Trey Huffine’s 2018 version of this article in The Great Divide.
To put a point on this divide a bit more, consider this article by Trey Huffine, "A Recap of Frontend Development in 2018." It's very well done! It points to big moments this year, shows interesting data, and makes...