
Nalezeno "heat": 137

Hades’ ‘Impossible’ Setting Just Got Beaten For The First Time

Self-described Hades “fucking legend” and speedrunner Jade, or AngeL1C, became the first known player to complete the cult-favorite roguelike at its max difficulty settings on August 2, 10 days after roguelike content creator Haelian said it couldn’t be done in a July 25 YouTube video. Read more

Innovative Heating Solutions: Bitcoin Miners Turning Heat Into Satoshis

In recent years, bitcoin miners have learned to reuse the heat generated by application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) mining rigs. Recently, a Twitter account named “Rev.Hodl” demonstrated how a bitcoin miner was employed to dry laundry. While the clothes dryer serves to...

Texas Bitcoin Miners Scale Back Operations Amidst Heat Wave

Bitcoin (BTC) miners in Texas have halted operations after a heat wave and subsequent surge in elcetricity price put the state's power grid under pressure.  Crypto miners in the region as well as grid manager the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or Ercot, have confirmed the pause in mining...

Bitcoin․com Launches VERSE Staking as Ecosystem Token and DEX Heat Up

As the traditional banking system experiences growing instability with the failures of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, Silvergate Bank, and Credit Suisse, more individuals are turning to decentralized finance (DeFi) as a secure and attractive alternative. Verse DEX,’s...

Bankruptcy Court Terminates FTX Naming-Rights Agreement for Miami Heat Arena

A federal bankruptcy court in the U.S. has ended the FTX naming-rights agreement for Miami Heat’s basketball stadium. The sports venue was branded FTX Arena as part of a multi-year, multi-million dollar sponsorship deal between the now-bankrupt crypto exchange and Miami-Dade County in 2021....

From Mercedes F1 to Miami Heat, Sports Teams Suspend FTX Sponsorships

A string of organizations competing in various sports are pulling out of sponsorship deals with beleaguered cryptocurrency exchange FTX. The coin trading platform had pledged millions of dollars to building up brand recognition among sports fans before it went bankrupt. FTX Sign Being Dismantled...

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