24-Year-Old Neo Geo 64 Prototype Latest Game To Be Found In A Field
Someone has found a never-before-seen prototype of a Hyper Neo Geo 64 game, giving us our first look at development hardware used to create games for SNK’s failed mid-’90s arcade platform. This cool discovery was found sitting undisturbed in a field, under a collapsed tree.Read more
Gaming Startup Lepricon Seeks to Drive Mass Adoption of Blockchain Technology
The token economy is exploding, as is decentralized finance. But no matter how brilliant these new ways of controlling and building wealth may be, they are not penetrating the mainstream market the way that they should. Joshua Galloway, Founder, and CEO at, a community-driven...
Coinrule Fundraises $700k to Expand Automated Trading to Tokenised Stocks
PRESS RELEASE. Coinrule – a hyper-growth, automated trading platform based out of London, UK – is poised for explosive growth in the months ahead, after announcing that its recent investment round on Seedrs secured over 200% of its target, raising $700k, at a valuation of $6m. This...
Hyper-Stablecoinization: From Eurodollars to Crypto-Dollars
Crypto-dollarization is the world's next best hope to meet its insatiable demand for U.S. dollars
The Greatest Wealth Transfer: Economists Predict the Emergence of New Bitcoin Millionaires, BTC Capturing 3% of Gold Market
The global economy has been feeling the hardships from the mandated lockdowns various nation states have implemented during the last month and a half. Oil prices have dropped below zero for the first time in history, and economic powerhouses like the U.S. are starting to show cracks in the system....
Exclusive: QE Won't Trigger Hyperinflation, says World's Hyperinflation Expert
The central bank of Zimbabwe issued a 100,000,000,000,000 note during the hyperinflation in 2009. It barely paid for a loaf of bread. There has been a lot of discussion recently on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy, on the measures taken by the governments to mitigate those...
How Governments Steal Your Money and Conceal It Through Inflation
Dozens of countries all over the world have used the same trick called redenomination to hide how they have stolen their own citizens’ money through inflation or hyperinflation. The next nation to try this economic sleight of hand is the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also Read:...
Collective #506
World Draw * Native lazy-loading * El Grapho * * Hyper Editor * Animating SVG with CSS
Collective #506 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Nové procesory Intel Core i7 přijdou o Hyper-threading
Poslední informace, které obletěly svět ohledně připravovaných procesorů Intel deváté generace, naznačovaly, že by procesory Core i7 mohly přijít o Hyper-threading. To nyní potvrdily uniklé benchmarky z programu Sandra.
Hyper-threading zajišťuje rychlejší zpracování vícevláknových paralelních
Vývojáři začínají vypínat Hyper-Threading na procesorech Intel kvůli chybám Spectre a Meltdown
Za poslední rok se objevilo několik bezpečnostních děr v návrhu architektury procesorů Intel Core a problémy z toho vyplývající přetrvávají. Ačkoli opravy nejznámějších chyb Spectre a Meltdown již existují, neřeší všechny možné problémy. Jedno účinné řešení se ale nabízí, jenže je poněkud radikální