Climbing off Twitter on Scaffolds of Truth: Where Srinivasan and Benet Diverge
Vitalik Buterin, Balaji Srinivasan and Juan Benet discussed the future, pitfalls and promise of decentralized social media
CryptoCortex is now Connected to San Juan Mercantile Exchange Dark Pool
Recently, Deltix Inc. reported that its CryptoCortex digital asset trading platform is currently associated with the San Juan Mercantile Exchange (SJMX) Dark Pool. This association, as indicated by Deltix, will give cryptocurrency dealers/brokers, market makers, OTC desks, and intermediaries with...
Venezuela Issues 50,000 Bolivar Bill Amid Persistent Hyperinflation
Venezuelans are used to their currency costing less than the paper it’s printed on. Economic misfortunes and political upheaval place their country at the bottom of all inflation charts, year after year. The latest incarnation of the national fiat, Bolívar Soberano, has succumbed to...
Crypto Adoption Strong in Venezuela Despite Political Chaos
The political tension in Venezuela has affected local cryptocurrency adoption. While there are roadblocks, many crypto-advocating projects continue to thrive in the country. takes a deep look at the current situation in Venezuela, crypto adoption efforts and how the recent...
V krajině z Avataru: Čínský Wu-ling-jüan je domovem vzácných velemloků
V krajině z Avataru: Čínský Wu-ling-jüan je domovem vzácných velemloků
Juan Enriquez: Budou naše děti jiným živočišným druhem?
V průběhu lidské evoluce vedle sebe existovalo více "verzí" lidí. Není možné, že se nacházíme uprostřed procesu povyšování "verze"? Juan Enriquez na konfenci TEDxSummit putuje časem a prostorem, aby nás přenesl do současnosti -- a předvede, jak technologie odhaluje důkazy, které naznačují,...