Marvel’s Avengers Receives Hawkeye, Next-Gen Versions On March 18
The Avengers can’t stop assembling. Clint Barton—also known as Hawkeye, or the “Really? Him?” Avenger—is coming to Marvel’s Avengers on March 18, alongside dedicated next-gen versions of the game.Read more
Pirated Copies Of Take On Helicopters Make Your In-Game Pilot Drunk
For a very long time, people have been making games. And a moment after people started selling these things, other people began stealing them. So developers have continued to include features that trip up pirates. For example, getting drunk in a game about flying helicopters.Read more
And Now The Moment Avengers Players Have Been Waiting For
Shield refraction, everybody. Thanks to community feedback, Iron Man can now bounce his Unibeam off Captain America’s shield in Marvel’s Avengers, amplifying the beam’s damage. As it should be. Read more
Kate Bishop Makes Avengers Exciting Again, At Least For A Few Hours
The Kate Bishop version of Hawkeye has arrived as a new playable character for Marvel’s Avengers, bringing with her three or four hours of fresh single-player content to Square Enix’s stale co-op superhero game. To be fair, any new playable character would have had the same effect, but Kate...
Intel se přibližuje hráčům. Vydá speciální sběratelskou edici procesorů pro hru Marvel’s Avengers
Nový přístup Intelu začíná působí tak, že když nemůže zaútočit výkonem a cenou, zkusí posílit marketing. Intel totiž vydá speciální sběratelskou edici procesorů Core 10. generace, které budou mít hezkou krabičku pro propagaci hry Marvel’s Avengers od společnosti Crystal Dynamics. Design stylového