America’s Banks Can Simply Bail Themselves Out – Thanks to the Fed’s $27 Trillion Blackrock Deal
Mainstream media has been awfully quiet about all the fraud and manipulation stemming from the global bureaucracies’ newly enacted covid-19 reaction policies. In the U.S. amid all the commotion and fear, the Federal Reserve granted special powers to the giant private equity firm Blackrock....
How Merge Mining and Anchored Blockchain Projects Capitalize on Bitcoin’s Security Model
Since 2011, just after Satoshi Nakamoto left the Bitcoin project for good, networks have emerged that leverage the BTC chain in some way. A variety of projects over the last nine years have found value in anchoring some sort of feature set to BTC in order to bolster the satellite’s underlying...
Market Update: Economists Envision Global Recession While Crypto Prices Soldier On
Last week cryptocurrency prices bounced around after a majority of coins dropped in value on August 21. Today on August 26, digital currency markets have gained around 1.52%, gathering $4 billion since the initial slump. Despite the volatility, cryptocurrencies have consolidated and a...
Před 100 lety se narodil bořitel apartheidu v JAR Nelson Mandela
Nelson Rolihlahla (v jazyce Tembu „ten, který vyvolává rozbroje“) Mandela se narodil 18. července 1918 ve vesnici Mvezo v Transkei (dnešní Východní Kapsko) jako nejstarší syn náčelníka kmene Tembu, náležejícího ke Xhosům. Jeho životním osudům se věnuje další díl videoseriálu Před 100 lety
Když ješitnost prodává: Na čem zbohatl vydavatel Albert Nelson Marquis?
Když ješitnost prodává: Na čem zbohatl vydavatel Albert Nelson Marquis?