
Nalezeno "s panel": 207

Ethereum Price Set to Reach $2,500 by Year-End, Predicts Finder’s Panel

The price of ethereum (ETH), the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, is anticipated to hit a high of $2.7K before settling at around $2.5K by the end of 2023, according to the latest report from Finder. The report is based on predictions by a panel of 29 cryptocurrency...

Don’t Skip Baldur’s Gate 3’s Opening If You Played Early Access

Baldur’s Gate 3 entered early access almost three years ago, so players have had ample time to take its opening hours for a spin. If you’re one of them, you may have even seen the RPG’s first few acts several times at this point. However, if you’re gearing up to play the full game when it launches...

Co dělat, když ve Windows zmizí hlavní panel a nabídka Start

Možná se už vám to také stalo. Probudíte počítač ze spánku nebo se vrátíte na plochu z nějaké celoobrazovkové aplikace či hry, a hlavní panel zmizel. Tato chyba může mít různé příčiny, ale zpravidla na ni fungují tři řešení. Zkuste klávesovou zkratku Ctrl+Shift+Win+B. Pomocí ní restartujete

BNY Mellon, Franklin Templeton Heads to Co-Chair New Digital Asset Panel

BNY Mellon and Franklin Templeton have been appointed as co-chairs of the new Digital Assets Market Subcommittee by the US derivatives and commodities regulator.  Caroline Butler, the global head of digital assets at BNY Mellon, and Sandy Kaul, the head of digital and industry advisory services...

Every Panel Worth Checking Out At Anime Expo 2023

As the self-proclaimed largest anime convention in the world, Anime Expo 2023 has a bunch of world premieres and panels taking place across the four-day event at the Los Angeles Convention Center from July 1 to July 4. Sprinkled in between its big main stage events, featuring big-name anime studios...

UK panel recommends crypto trading be regulated like gambling

In February, the UK Government proposed regulating cryptocurrency like a traditional financial instrument. However, the Treasury Select Committee has recommended otherwise. The Committee strongly believes that treating investments in retail trading of cryptocurrency is nothing like gambling. What...

Windows budou mít postranní panel s nástroji. Přidá ho Microsoft Edge

Zhruba od poloviny minulého roku Microsoft nasazoval postranní panel ve svém internetovém prohlížeči. Po startu chatbotu v Bingu se vedle něj objevuje právě prostředí chatbotu, díky němuž můžete pracovat s obsahy webových stránek nebo jej využijete pro generování obsahu. V samotném postranním

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