
Nalezeno "sara": 47

SVG Filter Effects: Duotone Images with <feComponentTransfer>

This fourth article in our SVG Filter series will show you how to use feComponentTransfer to create a duotone filter effect. SVG Filter Effects: Duotone Images with &lt;feComponentTransfer&gt; was written by Sara Soueidan and published on Codrops

SVG Filter Effects: Outline Text with <feMorphology>

In this second part of our SVG Filter series you'll learn all about the feMorphology filter, how it works and how you can use it to create interesting effects. SVG Filter Effects: Outline Text with &lt;feMorphology&gt; was written by Sara Soueidan and published on Codrops

SVG Filters 101

The first article in a series on SVG filters. This guide will help you understand what they are and show you how to use them to create your own visual effects. SVG Filters 101 was written by Sara Soueidan and published on Codrops

How to create a logo that responds to its own aspect ratio

One of the cool things about &#60;svg&#62; is that it's literally its own document, so @media queries in CSS inside the SVG are based on its viewport rather than the HTML document that likely contains it. This unique feature has let people play around for years. Tim Kadlec experimented with...

Sara Seagerová: Hledání planet mimo naši sluneční soustavuSara Seagerová: Hledání planet mimo naši sluneční soustavu

Okolo každé hvězdy, kterou vidíme na obloze, obíhá alespoň jedna planeta, říká astronomka Sara Seagerová. Co víme o těchto exoplanetách a jak o nich můžeme zjistit více? Sara Seagerová představí skupinu svých nejoblíbenějších exoplanet a novou technologii, která nám může pomoci nejen při zkoumání...

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