
Nalezeno "transparent": 78

FOHO Is Building a Transparent Fractional Ownership Marketplace

PRESS RELEASE. Toronto, July 19, 2021 – FOHO is building a transparent fractional ownership marketplace that uses the wisdom of crowds to uncover deals, hold sellers and property managers accountable and manage usage and income disbursal for real estate assets. Their modus operandi revolves...

Overlaying Video With Transparency While Wrangling Cross-Browser Support

As websites are becoming more and more dynamic when it comes to design, there is sometimes a need to incorporate complex, animated elements. There are many ways to do that from CSS transitions to 3D rendering on canvas, and animated SVG. But it is often easier to use a <video> since they...

Bitcoin Unlimited Launches Two-Option Voting App Powered by Bitcoin Cash

On September 16, the Bitcoin Unlimited development team launched a new application called Votepeer. The software is powered by the Bitcoin Cash network and allows anyone to set up a transparent two-option voting process. This week a couple of Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) developers released a new voting...

Excluding Emojis From Transparent Text Clipping

CSS-Tricks has this pretty cool way of styling hovered links. By default, the text is a fairly common blue. But hover of the links, and they’re filled with a linear gradient. 😍 Pretty neat, right? And the trick isn’t all that complicated. On hover… give the link a linear...

Nailing the Perfect Contrast Between Light Text and a Background Image

Have you ever come across a site where light text is sitting on a light background image? If you have, you’ll know how difficult that is to read. A popular way to avoid that is to use a transparent overlay. But this leads to an important question: Just how transparent should that overlay...

CAKE – A Transparent Blend of CeFi and DeFi

The text below is an advertorial article that was not written by journalists. Cake DeFi, the most transparent way to get cash flow from cryptocurrencies, allows users to participate in masternode staking and its lending service to obtain crypto cash flow. The company whose unique...

Quick Tips for High Contrast Mode

Sarah Higley has some CSS tricks up her sleeve for dealing with High Contrast Mode on Windows, which I learned is referred to as WHCM. Here’s the first trick: […] if the default CSS outline property doesn’t give you the visual effect you want [in WHCM] for focus states...

CoinDeal Token – a Wide Range of Earning Possibilities

Launched in the second quarter of 2019, CDL Token is a rapidly growing project, which has more and more to offer for its users. From the very beginning, CDL was not supposed to be an ordinary token. The goal was to create a functional cryptocurrency which would enable the users of the CoinDeal...

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