
Nalezeno "Building": 789

How to Build a Chrome Extension

I made a Chrome extension this weekend because I found I was doing the same task over and over and wanted to automate it. Plus, I’m a nerd during a pandemic, so I spend my weird pent-up energy building things. I’ve made five Chrome extensions with that energy, yet I still find it hard...

Accepting Payments (including Recurring Payments) on

I’m a fan of building websites with the least amount of technical debt and things you have to be responsible for as possible for what you wanna do. Sometimes you take on this debt on purpose because you have to, but when you don’t, please don’t ;). Let’s say you need...

CSS Animation Timelines: Building a Rube Goldberg Machine

If you’re going to build a multi-step CSS animation or transition, you have a particular conundrum. The second step needs a delay that is equal to the duration of the first step. And the third step is equal to the duration of the first two steps, plus any delay in between. It gets more...

Creating an Accessible Range Slider with CSS

The accessibility trick is using <input type="range"> and wrestling it into shape with CSS rather than giving up and re-building it with divs or whatever and later forget about accessibility. The most clever example uses an angled linear-gradient background making the input look like...

Enable Gatsby Incremental Builds on Netlify

The concept of an “incremental build” is that, when using some kind of generator that builds all the files that make for a website, rather than rebuilding 100% of those files every single time, it only changes the files that need to be changed since the last build. Seems like...

How to Buy BTC Before the Halving

How to Buy BTC Before the Halving Buzz is a-building around Bitcoin right now. Why? Because we’re about to witnessContinue Reading The post How to Buy BTC Before the Halving appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog

How to Add Lunr Search to your Gatsby Website

The Jamstack way of thinking and building websites is becoming more and more popular. Have you already tried Gatsby, Nuxt, or Gridsome (to cite only a few)? Chances are that your first contact was a “Wow!” moment — so many things are automatically set up and ready to use.  There are some...

Building a Scalable CSS Architecture With BEM and Utility Classes

Maintaining a large-scale CSS project is hard. Over the years, we’ve witnessed different approaches aimed at easing the process of writing scalable CSS. In the end, we all try to meet the following two goals: Efficiency: we want to reduce the time spent thinking about how things should...

The Contrast Triangle

Chip Cullen: Let’s say you’re building a site, and you’re working with a designer. They come to you with some solid designs, and you’re ready to go. You’re also a conscientious front end developer and you like to make sure the sites you build are accessible. The designs you’re working from have...

Building a PC, Part IX: Downsizing

Hard to believe that I've had the same PC case since 2011, and my last serious upgrade was in 2015. I guess that's yet another sign that the PC is over, because PC upgrades have gotten really boring. It took 5 years for me to muster up the initiative to

Web Performance Checklist

The other day, I realized that web performance is an enormous topic covering so very much — from minimizing assets to using certain file formats, it can be an awful lot to keep in mind while building a website. It’s certainly far too much for me to remember! So I made a web performance checklist....

Performant Expandable Animations: Building Keyframes on the Fly

Animations have come a long way, continuously providing developers with better tools. CSS Animations, in particular, have defined the ground floor to solve the majority of uses cases. However, there are some animations that require a little bit more work. You probably know that animations should...

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