Fortnite, Worth Billions, Offering Paltry Prize Money For Design Contest
Yesterday, Fortnite announced a “Concept Royale” competition. Players can submit skin ideas, and two winners “will have their concepts turned into in-game Outfits in Fortnite, and will also each receive a $2,500 cash prize.” At first glance it doesn’t look like a bad deal, but $2.5k for a design...
Xbox mění design herních krabiček. Podívejte se
Adding Shadows to SVG Icons With CSS and SVG Filters
Why would we need to apply shadows to SVG?
Shadows are a common design feature that can help elements, like icons, stand out. They could be persistent, or applied in different states (e.g. :hover, :focus, or :active)
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Collective #665
Cognitive Bias and the Design Process * MVP Transformations * Best practices for fonts
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PUBG’s Cheating ‘Terminator’ Bots Have Been Neutralized
The latest update to battle royale juggernaut PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is focused almost entirely on reining in the game’s bots, which for the past two weeks have been waging a brutal war on human players.Read more
Overwatch Adds Crossplay
Where once Overwatch players were divided along the lines of both platform and whether or not they’d push the damn payload, now they can at least not push the payload together.Read more
Šifrovaný pošťák se převlékl. ProtonMail má po sedmi letech nový design
Již přes 50 milionů lidí si založilo schránku na ProtonMailu. Švýcarská služba založená bývalými experty z CERNu má v základu nastavené end-to-end šifrování, takže zprávy z ní odeslané si přečtou jen adresáti, provozovatelé k nim přístup nemají. Po sedmi letech od spuštění se
Startup DOT Glasses získal prestižní ocenění Red Dot Design Award
Český startup DOT Glasses, který pomáhá lidem s poruchou zraku v nejchudších částech světa, slaví další úspěch. Díky loňské…
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Incredible Dead Space Cosplay Even Animates Isaac’s Iconic Health Bar
A cosplayer on Reddit is being praised for their meticulously faithful Dead Space costume—right down to the glowing spine.Read more
Inspirational Websites Roundup #26
Get updated on the latest trends in web design with this new collection of super creative websites.
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Artists Plan to Erect a Bronze Satoshi Nakamoto Statue in Budapest to Honor Bitcoin’s Creator
Hungary plans to be the first country in the world to erect a statue of Satoshi Nakamoto, as a life-size bronze bust of Bitcoin’s creator will be displayed in Budapest. The bronze bust design is being constructed by two sculptors, Tamás Gilly and Réka Gergely. A Reflective...
Central Bank of Brazil Issues Guidelines for Its CBDC
The Central Bank Of Brazil, the highest monetary authority of the country, has released a note listing the general guidelines for the design of a hypothetical central bank digital currency (CBDC) for the country. While there are still no concrete steps taken in this direction, at least the document...
Destruction AllStars Is Getting Bots Because Not Enough People Are Playing
Destruction AllStars, released in February exclusively on PS5, doesn’t seem to have a huge community of players online. So to help improve matchmaking, the developers have announced plans to add online bots. Read more
New Site Teaches You How To Play EVE Online
EVE Online is a tough game to learn without a lot of effort and assistance. The good news is that there’s now an easier path to getting started: the EVE Academy, a new companion website to the 18 year old MMO, was created specifically to show new players the ropes, and potentially teach a few...
„Mobile-first“ design jako nutnost
Mobile-first design vychází z potřeby uzpůsobit produkt (web, aplikaci…) primárně pro nejmenší obrazovky. Celý proces vývoje proto začíná…
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Apex Legends Adds Penalty For Leaving Arena Games Early
Apex Legends introduced a new 3v3 Arena mode with Season 9 in early May, and I’ve been enjoying it for the handful of times when I’ve been able to play out a full match. Most of the time, a player will bail after a few bad rounds, leaving me at a severe disadvantage or giving me a victory that...
South Korean Politician Wants To Protect Esports Leagues From Sudden Shutdown
In order to protect esports players and fans from the mercy of companies, South Korean Congressman Dong-su Yoo has proposed a bill to prevent esports leagues from being suddenly shut down unilaterally. Read more
Timesplitters Is Coming Back
Classic shooter series Timesplitters, which hasn’t seen a new release since 2005, will be coming back after publisher Deep Silver announced the creation of a new (well, kinda new) development studio dedicated to working on the series.Read more
Fighting Game Glossary Demystifies All That Weird Jargon
Getting into fighting games can be difficult. Not only do you need to learn the ins and outs of various games’ mechanics, but the jargon used by more experienced players can sometimes sound like a totally different language. That said, this huge barrier to entry just got a little easier thanks to...
2021 Design Systems (Survey/Courses)
My friends at Sparkbox are doing a survey on design systems, as they do each year. Go ahead and fill it out if you please. Here are the results from last year. In both 2019 and 2020, the vibe was …
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