
Nalezeno "Framework": 801

A Thorough Analysis of CSS-in-JS

Wondering what’s even more challenging than choosing a JavaScript framework? You guessed it: choosing a CSS-in-JS solution. Why? Because there are more than 50 libraries out there, each of them offering a unique set of features. We tested 10 different … The post A Thorough Analysis...


You can’t even look at code or documentation for Astro (publicly) yet — it’s an in-progress idea — but you can watch a video of Fred showing it off to Feross. I gotta admit: it looks awesome. I’m bullish … The post Astro appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

How to Build a FullStack Serverless HN Clone With Svelte and Fauna

Svelte is a free and open-source front end JavaScript framework that enables developers to build highly performant applications with smaller application bundles. Svelte also empowers developers with its awesome developer experience. Svelte provides a different approach to building web apps...

SvelteKit is in public beta

Rich Harris: Think of it as Next for Svelte. It’s a framework for building apps with Svelte, complete with server-side rendering, routing, code-splitting for JS and CSS, adapters for different serverless platforms and so on. Great move. I find … The post SvelteKit is...

DSLA Protocol Launches v1.0 Mainnet

PRESS RELEASE. DSLA Protocol has released the first version of its Decentralized Service Level Agreements (SLA) protocol on the Ethereum L1 blockchain. Layer 2 deployments on Harmony and Avalanche are also coming in the near future, following the results of ongoing audits. Created by Stacktical...

Merkur aneb jak vzniká mikrofrontend framework

Mikrofrontendy jsou zajímavá adaptace konceptu microservices pro potřeby frontendového vývoje. Podívejte se, co to v praxi obnáší a proč jsme se v rozhodli vyvinout náš vlastní microfrontend framework, Merkur

Web Frameworks: Why You Don’t Always Need Them

Richard MacManus explaining Daniel Kehoe’s approach to building websites: There are three key web technologies underpinning Kehoe’s approach: ES6 Modules: JavaScript ES6 can support import modules, which are also supported by browsers. Module CDNs: JavaScript modules can now … The...

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