Fraudulent Crypto Browser Extension Redirects to a Fake Metamask Domain
A crypto intelligence firm has raised red flags about an increasing flow of comments in the crypto community about an ongoing phishing campaign, which is stealing funds from people who install a malicious browser extension. Chrome Browser Extension Is Redirecting Crypto Users to a Fake Metamask...
Crypto-Friendly Travel Site Travala Posts 503% Revenue Increase, 72% of Bookings Paid With Cryptocurrencies
Travel booking website Travala saw an increase in revenue of over 503% in November compared to the previous year. Out of all bookings, 72% were paid with cryptocurrencies, with bitcoin being the most popular choice. A Record Month for Travala The up and coming crypto-friendly travel booking website...
Cloudinary Fetch with Eleventy (Respecting Local Development)
This is about a wildly specific combination of technologies — Eleventy, the static site generator, with pages with images on them that you ultimately want hosted by Cloudinary — but I just wanna document it as it sounds like a decent amount of people run into this situation.
The deal:
Warning: This Phishing Scam is *Very* Easy to Fall For
Can you tell the difference between the real site and the fake one?
The post Warning: This Phishing Scam is *Very* Easy to Fall For appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog
Crypto Buying App Ziglu Bags Largest Raise of 2020 on UK Crowdfunding Site Seedrs
U.K.-based bitcoin app Ziglu raised over $8 million in a crowdfunding campaign, the largest equity raise on the Seedrs platform this year
A Microsite Showcasing Coding Fonts
We made one! It’s open source if you want to make it better or fix things.
There are quite a few purpose-built fonts for writing code. The point of this site is to show you some of the nicest options so you can be aware of them and perhaps pick one out to try that suites your taste.
We used...
[článek] Sociální sítě začínají vypadat všechny stejně, GIMP slaví 25 let a Twitter opět chystá ověřené účty
[9 minut čtení] Stories všude (i ve Spotify), Amazon zaměstnává Pinkertony, Charli D'Amelio jedničkou TikToku a Salesforce a Slack na námluvách. Co ještě přinesl právě končící #tyden? Sociální sítě začínají vypadat všechny stejně, píše Axios a má pravdu. Klon TikToku totiž spustil už i Snapchat...
Donald Trump přijde o své prezidentské profily na Facebooku a Twitteru, potvrzují sociální sítě
Facebook a Twitter jakožto nejvlivnější sociální sítě, na kterých se prezentuje americký prezident, už potvrdily, že nehledě na to, jak bude spolupracovat současná administrativa Donalda Trumpa, koncem ledna předají přístupy k účtům @POTUS (President of the United States) té
Poker Site Buys $100 Million of Bitcoin Every Month to Pay Players in BTC
A major online poker website has been buying millions of dollars of bitcoin every day to meet demand from players wanting to cash out in bitcoin. This amounts to $100 million in bitcoin a month as about 95% of players now demand payouts in the cryptocurrency. Poker Site Buys $100 Million of Bitcoin...
Cryptowisser Announces Most Comprehensive Exchange Comparison Tool on the Market
PRESS RELEASE. Leading crypto service comparison site, Cryptowisser has now released its revolutionary VS comparison tool, which helps you compare cryptocurrency exchanges against each other in an instant. Comparing cryptocurrency exchanges has – up until now – been very difficult...
How You Might Build a Modern Day Webring
I’m sure different people picture different things when they think about webrings, so let me clarify what I picture. I see an element on a website that:
Signifies this site is part of a webring
Allows you to move to the next or previous site of the webring
Maybe has other functionality like...
Cetin ze sítě odstraní Huawei i Nokii. Výstavbu s ohledem na 5G zajistí Ericsson
Tendr Cetinu na vybudování nové generace mobilní sítě vyhrál Ericsson. Obě společnosti již podepsaly smlouvu a švédská strana bude inkasovat miliardy korun. Cetin nabídky posuzoval podle různých komerčních, technických a bezpečnostních kritérií, prioritou tedy nebyla jen cena. Kdo další se řízení
Jetpack Backup
It’s no secret that CSS-Tricks is a WordPress site. And as such, we like to keep things WordPress-y, like enabling the block editor and creating some custom blocks. We also rely on Jetpack for a number of things, which if you haven’t tried, is definitely worth your time as it’s...
Crypto Gaming Pioneer Cloudbet Officially Launches in Argentina
PRESS RELEASE. Cloudbet, the pioneering crypto casino and sportsbook, has officially launched an Argentina-focused service in response to the country’s surging interest in bitcoin and crypto gaming. The platform has unveiled a country-specific site and blog to help Argentinians learn more...
JavaScript Operator Lookup
Okay, this is extremely neat: Josh Comeau made this great site called Operator Lookup that explains how JavaScript operators work. There are some code examples to explain what they do as well, which is pretty handy.
My favorite bit of UI design here are the tags at the bottom of the search...
How to Create a Commenting Engine with Next.js and Sanity
One of the arguments against the Jamstack approach for building websites is that developing features gets complex and often requires a number of other services. Take commenting, for example. To set up commenting for a Jamstack site, you often need a third-party solution such as Disqus, Facebook,...
Ledger owners lose 1.1 million XRP to scam site
After a major leak of email and personal information earlier this year, Ledger customers are experiencing a surge in phishing attempts
Collective #633
Webbed Briefs * Chasing the Pixel-Perfect Dream * Flow CSS Utility * Site-Speed Topography
The post Collective #633 appeared first on Codrops
More People Dipping Toes Into Web Monetization
Léonie Watson:
I do think that Coil and Web Monetization are at the vanguard of a quiet revolution.
Here’s me when I’m visiting Léonie’s site:
Enjoy the pennies!
My Coil subscription ($5/month) doles out money to sites I visit that have monetization set up and installed.
[článek] Co všechno si už novináři z BBC nesmějí dovolit na sociálních sítích
[5 minut čtení] Nový generální ředitel britské BBC dává najevo, že nebude novinářům tolerovat takové chování na sociálních sítích, které poškozuje důvěru v tuto prestižní organizaci. Redaktoři a spolupracovníci britské veřejnoprávní televize BBC si budou muset nechat své politické a společenské...