
Nalezeno "Starship Technologies": 695

Film Reels and Steel: Github Plans to Archive Bitcoin Code for 1,000 Years

The Microsoft subsidiary, Github recently revealed the “Archive Program,” an initiative that aims to preserve open source technologies for 1,000 years. The newly launched effort plans to store snapshots of open source technology 250 meters underground on the Norwegian island...

Playing With Particles Using the Web Animations API

When it comes to motion and animations, there is probably nothing I love more than particles. This is why every time I explore new technologies I always end up creating demos with as many particles as I can. In this post, we'll make even more particle magic using the Web Animations API to create...

ELONOVINKY: SpaceX zničilo další prototyp lodi Starship

SpaceX zničilo prototyp lodi Starship při tankovací zkoušce. Exploze nebyla plánovaná, firma ale již několik týdnů připravuje další prototyp. Ten se má lišit a být lepší. Elon Musk prozradil, co bude nového a kdy se dočkáme prvního orbitálního letu. To a mnohem více se dozvíte v dnešním díle

Blockchain and Quantum Computing: The Game-changing Technologies

The similarity between blockchain technology and Quantum computing is their evolutionary nature. Both these innovations are new kids on the block and have been still under the development phase. The applications of blockchain technology and Quantum computing are quite diverse, too, and if applied...

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