Design v17
We rolled out a new site design on January 1! This is the 17th version of CSS-Tricks if you can believe that. The versions tend to evolve a decent amount beyond the initial launch, but we archive screenshots on this design history page. Like I said in our 2018 thank you post:
This is easily...
We're in the future now so, of course, we're working on ways to speed up the web with fancy new tactics above and beyond the typical make-pages-slimmer-and-cached-like-crazy techniques.
One tactic, from years ago, was InstantClick:
Before visitors click on a link, they hover over that link. Between...
Hyperlinking Beyond the Web
Hyperlinks are the oldest and the most popular feature of the web. The word hypertext (which is the ht in http/s) means text having hyperlinks. The ability to link to other people’s hypertext made the web, a web — a set of connected pages. This fundamental feature has made the web a very...
Digging Into React Context
You may have wondered lately what all the buzz is about Context and what it might mean for you and your React sites. Before Context, when the management of state gets complicated beyond the functionality of setState, you likely had to make use of a third party library. Thanks to recent updates...
Script & Style Show: Episode 10: Dojo
In this episode: David and Todd welcome Dojo and JavaScript legend Dylan Schiemann and TypeScript and Dojo 2 superhero Nick Nisi. We cover the early days of Dojo, the road to 2.0, and what’s in Dojo 2.0 and beyond. Enjoy!
The post Script & Style Show: Episode 10: Dojo appeared first...
Password Rules Are Bullshit
Of the many, many, many bad things about passwords, you know what the worst is? Password rules.
If we don't solve the password problem for users in my lifetime I am gonna haunt you from beyond the grave as a ghost— Jeff Atwood
Beyond Immutability: Ethereum Classic Maps a Way Forward
Apart from a commitment to immutability, ethereum classic is much like ethereum. Now, though, its supporters favor another pillar of differentiation