Build and Understand a Simple Node.js Website with User Authentication
Building websites with user authentication and management (login, registration, password reset, etc.), can be a huge pain. As a developer there are a million little things you need to worry about:
Introduction To Koa - The Future of Express
Express is one of the most popular Node.js frameworks out there. With about about 4+ million weekly downloads, Express has clearly made its mark in the world of
React Video Player
Streaming entertainment is a massive interest of mine as both a consumer and web developer. My love for streaming entertainment dates back to the early days of RealPlayer and the misery of a million codecs. Fast forward to today and I’m working a lot with ReactJS, as well as the dozens...
Million dollar point: Milionová skládka nedaleko ostrovního ráje
Million dollar point: Milionová skládka nedaleko ostrovního ráje