
Nalezeno "Creator": 661

The Many Facts Pointing to Wei Dai Being Satoshi

Satoshi Nakamoto has been an enigma for well over a decade and there’s been a number of suspects and self-styled Bitcoin inventors. One particular suspect is the computer engineer Wei Dai, the creator of the b-money system and the Crypto++ cryptographic library. Since the Bitcoin network...

Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto? An Introduction to Bitcoin’s Mysterious Founder

The true identity of the creator of Bitcoin is one of the biggest mysteries in the modern world. Over the years many theories have popped up about who Satoshi Nakamoto really is, including a time traveler, a space alien, a rogue artificial intelligence or a front for groups such as the NSA, CIA...

Possibly The Easiest Way to Run an SSG

"Static Site Generator," that is. We'll get to that in a second. Netlify is a sponsor of this site (thank you very much), and I see Zach Leatherman has gone to work over there now. Very cool. Zach is the creator of Eleventy, an SSG for Node. One thing of the many notable things about Eleventy...

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