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Decentralized Storage Market Launches on Crust Network

PRESS RELEASE. Decentralized storage is a crucial infrastructure in the technical field. With the Filecoin mainnet launch in October of 2020, Filecoin and IPFS are now leading the decentralized storage field. One of the star projects of the IPFS/Polkadot ecosystem, Crust Network proposes...

(Jay Freestone’s) Front-end predictions for 2021

React framework maturity, early container queries, WASM adoption, and monoliths. I’ll take all four, please. Not feeling like a particularly front-end-y? Jay says: Interestingly, the biggest developments in the front-end are unlikely to be traditionally front-end concerns. Back...

3 Steps to Enable Client Hints on Your Image CDN

The goal of Client Hints is to provide a framework for a browser when informing the server about the context in which a web experience is provided. HTTP Client Hints are a proposed set of HTTP Header Fields for proactive … The post 3 Steps to Enable Client Hints on Your Image CDN appeared...

Integrating TypeScript with Svelte

Svelte is one of the newer JavaScript frameworks and it’s rapidly rising in popularity. It’s a template-based framework, but one which allows for arbitrary JavaScript inside the template bindings; it has a superb reactivity story that’s simple, flexible and effective; and as an ahead-of-time (AOT)...

Deploying a Serverless Jamstack Site with RedwoodJS, Fauna, and Vercel

This article is for anyone interested in the emerging ecosystem of tools and technologies related to Jamstack and serverless. We’re going to use Fauna’s GraphQL API as a serverless back-end for a Jamstack front-end built with the Redwood framework and deployed with a one-click deploy on Vercel. In...

What’s Old is New

This year, I learned a lot about how “old” tricks can solve a lot of modern problems if you use the right tools. Following the growth of Jamstack-style development has been both a learning experience, while also a nostalgic one. It’s been amazing to see how you can power plain...

Slow Movement

There was a time when I felt overwhelmed by how fast the web developed. It seemed like not a single day passed without a new plugin, framework, technique, or language feature being released. I believed that in order to survive as a freelancer and to compete with others I had to learn everything...

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