
Nalezeno "genesis": 635

Bitcoin’s Third Halving: Survey Shows 50% of Miners Expect a Price Increase

The block reward halving for BTC is 32 days away and crypto businesses and mining operations are steadily preparing for the event. Today, Bitcoin’s hashrate is hovering just above 100 exahash per second (EH/s) and one year after the 2016 halving, the digital asset’s price and hashrate...

HitBTC Exchange Executes Bitcoin SV Genesis Hardfork Upgrade

The well-known and highly acclaimed cryptocurrency exchange trading platform, HitBTC, has announced that it has successfully supported the strategically important crypto event, the Bitcoin SV Genesis Hardfork Upgrade. Post the upgrade, all the prior versions of the Bitcoin SV node software will...

Proof of Keys Day Returns on Bitcoin’s 11th Birthday

Last year’s inaugural Proof of Keys day didn’t see massive amounts of bitcoin withdrawn judging by onchain data – but it did serve to educate a community. Trace Mayer’s call to arms also put exchanges on notice, with some disabling withdrawals, citing unscheduled...

A Deep Dive Into Satoshi’s 11-Year Old Bitcoin Genesis Block

11 years ago today, Satoshi Nakamoto launched the Bitcoin network at approximately 18:15:05 UTC and the world hasn’t been the same since. The Bitcoin blockchain came to life on January 3, 2009, and so far, more than 600,000 blocks have been mined into existence. Nakamoto’s genesis block...

Reports Criticize Bitcoin SV Miners and the Chain’s Upcoming Fork

In the last two days there have been two critical posts published against the Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision network (BSV). On December 17, Binance Research published an allocation mining report that analyzed the mining activities of BTC, BCH, and BSV and the research detailed that BSV miners...

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