
Nalezeno "Activision": 740

Destiny Composer Ordered To Pay Bungie Nearly $100,000

Composer Marty O’Donnell, Bungie’s former audio director, has been found in contempt of court for his continuous use of Destiny assets, including uploading song clips online long after he left the company. According to Eurogamer, such use violated the terms of a previous lawsuit.Read more

Seven Years With Destiny

It’s 3 a.m., and I’m searching for a gun. Not just any gun but a primary sidearm that shoots rounds vibrating with a dark crystal energy that only drops from Destiny 2’s seasonal competitive slog known as Iron Banner. The gun is called Peacebond, an early contender for best new sidearm in the game...

Workers Accuse Activision Blizzard Of Union Busting

Activision Blizzard employees represented by the ABetterABK worker group filed a lawsuit against the Call of Duty publisher with the National Labor Review Board yesterday accusing it of union busting. It comes in the wake of a bombshell California lawsuit alleging widespread sexual harassment...

Abandoned Star Trek Games Finally Playable Again

Yesterday, September 8, was Star Trek Day, because the original series debuted on this day all the way back in the groovy year of 1966. As you might expect, a bunch of Star Trek news happened, including some new seasons of ongoing shows. But more importantly, some classic Star Trek games, like...

Ubisoft Appoints Another White French Guy As Head Creative

Ubisoft’s new chief creative officer is Igor Manceau, a 20-year veteran of the company who most recently led development on Riders Republic, the company announced today. Manceau steps into the role over a year after previous CCO, Serge Hascoët, resigned amid allegations of sexual misconduct, and...

World Of Warcraft Achievements Remove References To Hoes, Giant Sacks

In late July, in response to California’s lawsuit accusing Activision Blizzard of fostering an environment of harassment and discrimination against female employees, Blizzard announced it was taking steps to remove inappropriate content and references from World of Warcraft. Two of those changes...

Please, Free Me From The Bad Takes About China’s Gaming Restrictions

Whenever any kind of news about China hits the internet, I brace myself for oversimplifications by English-language writers and commentators. But in a country with roughly 720 million gamers (roughly twice the U.S. population), the context behind the recent gaming restrictions placed on Chinese...

California Accuses Activision Blizzard Of Shredding Abuse Evidence

The state of California recently expanded its discrimination lawsuit against Activision Blizzard, Axios reports. In addition to suing the massive gaming conglomerate over its culture of harassment and abuse toward female employees, the Department of Fair Employment and Housing is now also looking...

Activision Name Conspicuously Absent From Call Of Duty: Vanguard Marketing

Call of Duty: Vanguard was officially announced yesterday, the first major Activision Blizzard reveal since the corporation came under public scrutiny for its abhorrent treatment of female employees. A minor detail in the reveal video has some speculating that Activision is keen to avoid reminding...

Riot Is Still Delaying Harassment Investigation, California Alleges

In addition to Activision Blizzard, California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing has also been looking at Riot Games’ history of “unlawful workplace practices”, saying in a statement today that the League of Legends developer has once again delayed their investigations into harassment...

Overwatch League Casters Stop Saying McCree’s Name

McCree is Overwatch’s iconic gunslinger, but some casters commentating over official competitions are now avoiding saying his name. The shift comes after Jesse McCree, the real-life Blizzard developer who the character is named after, was pictured in a now infamous “Cosby Suite” that took place...

Activision Blizzard’s QA Department Seems Like A Hellhole

Long hours. Low pay. Tremendous instability. Working in quality assurance (QA) for a video game studio is notoriously difficult and painstaking enough as it is without factors like these complicating matters. Yet for QA testers at Activision Blizzard, a company that has come under fire in recent...

Ex-Far Cry Dev's New Game Studio Is 4.7 Percent Women, Ready For More

Assassin’s Creed III director and former Stadia developer Alex Hutchinson is back with a new studio called Raccoon Logic, as well as some old excuses about its lack of diversity. A picture included in a press release showed the new studio’s staff standing on an outdoor staircase. Of the 20 people...

Apex Legends Dev Fired Over Past Sexist, Racist Comments

Daniel Klein, a lead game designer on Apex Legends, was recently fired from his job at Respawn Entertainment after screenshots of old blog posts and public conversations surfaced showing the developer making both sexist and racist comments.Read more

The World Of Warcraft Community Is In Shambles At The Moment

World of Warcraft has been bleeding players since the start of the year. Add to that the drama swirling around a big-time streamer and the general toxicity that festers in just about every online gaming community and you have a recipe for bad stuff to happen. Simply put: It’s tough to look...

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