New Binance-Backed DeFi Site Lets You Earn Yield on Bitcoin, Other Non-Ethereum Assets
Kava Labs has launched its first application: a yield-generating decentralized finance (DeFi) platform for bitcoin and other non-Ethereum assets
Jetpack 8.9: Take Donations, Capture Email Subscribers, AMP integration, and More
(This is a sponsored post.)
Jetpack 8.9 shipped on September 1 and it shows why the plugin continues to be the premier way to take a WordPress site from good to holy smokes! Several new features are packed into the release, but a few really stand out.
Take donations with a new block
The first...
Facebook zkoumá vliv sítě u voleb. Zkouší platit uživatelům, aby sociální síť nepoužívali
Vliv sociálních sítí na volby v jednotlivých státech je velké téma, které se řešilo hlavně u volby amerického prezidenta. Facebook nyní chystá na toto téma výzkum a hodlá uživatelům platit za to, že jej nebudou používat.
V letošním roce čekají USA nové prezidentské volby a oči se, kromě
Pornhub Accepts Bitcoin: Top Adult Site Expands Cryptocurrency Payment Options
Pornhub now accepts bitcoin as the platform expands its cryptocurrency payment options. The leading adult video streaming website has over 12 million videos, more than 130 million daily visitors, and was visited 42 billion times last year, according to the platform. Pornhub Accepts Bitcoin Pornhub...
Comparing Browsers for Responsive Design
There are a number of these desktop apps where the goal is showing your site at different dimensions all at the same time. So you can, for example, be writing CSS and making sure it’s working across all the viewports in a single glance.
They are all very similar. For example, they...
[aktualita] Část vysílačů digitální rozhlasové sítě firmy RTI má technické problémy
Celkem šest vysílačů digitální rozhlasové sítě DAB1 má technické problémy. „Byli jsme nuceni na dobu nezbytně nutnou vypnout některé lokality,“ oznámil provozní ředitel firmy RTI Roman Kropáček. Na dotaz upřesnil, že se jedná o Javorník, Klatovy, Třebouňský vrch, Beroun, Příbram...
Ground Rules for Web Animations
Animations can make a site stand out. Or, they can just as easily kill the experience. When working with web animations, there are a few things that could go wrong like adding animations that serve no purpose, setting durations that are  too long or too quick, or not using right type...
Going Jamstack with React, Serverless, and Airtable
The best way to learn is to build. Let’s learn about this hot new buzzword, Jamstack, by building a site with React, Netlify (Serverless) Functions, and Airtable. One of the ingredients of Jamstack is static hosting, but that doesn’t mean everything on the site has to be static. In fact, we’re... Review: A New Place to Find Free High-Quality Design Resources
The hip new design resource site will provide you with unique resources and premium designs that you won't find anywhere else.
The post Review: A New Place to Find Free High-Quality Design Resources appeared first on Codrops
Why DeFi Pulse’s Key Metric Is So Simple It’s Confusing
DeFi Pulse invented "Total Value Locked." Yet TVL's mechanics have been somewhat confusing to those in the space. Here's how the leading DeFi metric works
Comparing Data in Google and Netlify Analytics
Jim Nielsen:
the datasets weren’t even close for me.
Google Analytics works by putting a client-side bit of JavaScript on your site. Netlify Analytics works by parsing server logs server-side. They are not exactly apples to apples, feature-wise. Google Analytics is, I think it’s fair...
Where Does Logic Go on Jamstack Sites?
Here’s something I had to get my head wrapped around when I started building Jamstack sites. There are these different stages your site goes through where you can put logic.
Let’s look at a special example so you can see what I mean. Say you’re making a website for a music venue. The most...
This vs. That
Here’s a nice site from Phuoc Nguyen, who I’ve noted before has quite a knack for clever sites. This vs. That pits different related concepts against each other as a theme for an article. For example, CSS has display: none;, opacity: 0;, and visibility: hidden; and they all, on...
Programování elektroniky: Kapesní superpočítače pro neuronové sítě a detekce člověka
V našem seriálu si hrajeme s Raspberry Pi 4 a počítačovým viděním • Dnes do hry zapojíme speciální mikropočítač • Vyzkoušíme si neuronovou síť na koprocesoru od Googlu
A Community-Driven Site with Eleventy: Building the Site
In the last article, we learned what goes into planning for a community-driven site. We saw just how many considerations are needed to start accepting user submissions, using what I learned from my experience building Style Stage as an example.
Now that we’ve covered planning, let’s get to some...
A Community-Driven Site with Eleventy: Preparing for Contributions
I’ve recently found myself reaching for Eleventy (aka 11ty) above all other tools when I want to develop a website. It’s hard to beat a static site generator that provides advanced templating opportunities while otherwise getting out of your way and allowing you to just create.
Queue Jumping in Netlify
Cutting to the chase: if you’re on a Business or Enterprise team on Netlify, you can click a build to make it run next in a queue. For example, if you have a really time-sensitive thing (e.g. a bug fix going to production), it can jump ahead of some random development branch building....
[aktualita] Další zájemce o TikTok: část čínské sociální sítě chce koupit Oracle
Americká softwarová firma Oracle je dalším zájemcem o koupi části sociální videoslužby TikTok. Píše to deník Financial Times, podle kterého společnost Larryho Ellisona vede předběžná jednání s čínským vlastníkem TikToku, firmou ByteDance. Oracle má podle deníku zájem o koupi aktiv TikToku v USA...
CSS-Tricks Chronicle XXXVIII
Hey gang! I’ve been fortunate enough to be a guest in a variety of different here, so I thought it was time for another Chronicle post. You know, those special posts where I round up the random goings-on of things I do off of this site.
I joined Ed & Tom over on A Question of Code.
Crypto Data Site CoinMarketCap Has Gone Offline
The website for popular price aggregator CoinMarketCap appears to be down with all data and news feeds currently inaccessible