
Nalezeno "build": 1092

How I Used the WAAPI to Build an Animation Library

The Web Animations API lets us construct animations and control their playback with JavaScript. The API opens the browser’s animation engine to developers and was designed to underlie implementations of both CSS animations and transitions, leaving the door open to … The post How I Used...

XP Network to Develop Elrond-Polkadot Bridge to Build NFT dApps

If you want to construct a non-fungible token decentralized application (NFT dApps) on numerous chains, there is good news. A new platform under development by XP Network has a unique design that enables anyone to do so. This permits applications to be created by using a no-code graphical interface...

Building a Headless CMS with Fauna and Vercel Functions

In this tutorial, we will learn and use headless CMS, Fauna, and Vercel functions to build a blogging platform, Blogify After that, you can easily build any web application using a headless CMS, Fauna and Vercel functions. The post Building a Headless CMS with Fauna and Vercel Functions appeared...

Celebrating Upland’s Genesis Week With a Big Bitcoin Giveaway is a blockchain-based game in which users can buy, sell, and trade virtual NFT properties mapped to the real world. By becoming a digital landowner, users can build properties, earn UPX coins, and even cash out their gains to USD. Currently open in cities including NYC, San Francisco...

Principles for user-centered front-end development

Colin Oakley: • Accessible — Use semantic HTML, and make sure we meet the WCAG 2.1 AA standard as a minimum and it works with assisted technologies (this sits alongside the DWP Accessibility Manual) • Agnostic — Build … The post Principles for user-centered front-end...

Realm Joins Reef Chain to Build NFT Realms

Despite the digital sector going through rapid fluctuations, the NFT domain is maintaining its prominence. The pattern was followed by Realm, the open-source community-driven project. Realm announced joining the Reef Chain ecosystem to create new magical realms and living NFTs. Reef Finance also...

Choosing the Right Blockchain Scalability Solution to Build On

The text below is an advertorial article that was not written by journalists. Ethereum has benefited from its first-mover advantage in maintaining a strong developer community. According to a recent report, there are more people working on Ethereum than the rest of the layer...

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