
Nalezeno "design": 1131

It Takes Two Creates An Almost-Perfect Union Of Story And Gameplay

Traditional co-op gaming experiences can sometimes feel similar to solo play: another player picks up a controller, and a second avatar pops onto your screen that works almost exactly in the same way you do. This can be a blessing for people with limited time to game, but it can mean that...

I Wish Genshin Impact Cared About My Time As Much As Its Story Seems To

Reused NPCs. An environment you’ve already spent dozens of hours in. Contrived progress gating based on time. On paper, Genshin Impact’s current event, the Windblume Festival, sounds like it’s scraping the bottom of the barrel. In reality it’s a chill yet inventive exercise in making an in-game...

It’s always the stacking context.

In “What the heck, z-index??,” Josh Comeau makes the analogy of layer groups in design software like Photoshop or Figma to stacking contexts in CSS. If you’ve got an element in a layer group A in Photoshop that … The post It’s always the stacking context. appeared...

Video Game Companies Keep Coming Up With New Ways To Take Our Money

Video games are expensive. They have been expensive for a very long time, and they keep getting more expensive. To an extent, it makes sense: Game developers need to eat! But after a certain point, it gets excessive. Loot boxes, gacha, and now NFTs are signs of that excess. On this week’s...

Rare Crypto Faucet and DeFi Apps Launch on xDai Chain

PRESS RELEASE. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, March 19th 2021 – Affinity Design – Rarify Apps just launched a new deFi application only possible on layer 2 tech. After only a week since the claiming app debut, the price of Rare Coin soared well over 1000 USD on the Honeyswap DEX after...

Long Hover

I had a very embarrassing CSS moment the other day. I was working on the front-end code of a design that had a narrow sidebar of icons. There isn’t enough room there to show text of what the icons are, … The post Long Hover appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks...

7 Creative Ways to Use Geometry in Web Design

Geometric figures, lines, and spaces can all be used to improve the usability of a website. Here are 7 ways you can creatively put geometry to use in web design. The post 7 Creative Ways to Use Geometry in Web Design appeared first on Codrops

Fans Can't Decide Whether New Overwatch Skin Is Cute Or Horrifying

Today, Overwatch announced the PachiMarchi Challenge, the newest event celebrating the game’s weird half-onion, half-octopus mascot Pachimari. Starting today, players who win games in Quick Play, Arcade, or Competitive mode can win Pachimari-themed cosmetics, including a Pachimari Roadhog skin that...

How to Develop and Test a Mobile-First Design in 2021

The internet has connected 4.66 billion people with each other as of October 2020. A total of 59% of the world’s total population. Amazingly, this is not even the surprising part. The stat to look out for is mobile users … The post How to Develop and Test a Mobile-First Design in 2021...

How to Animate the Details Element

Here’s a nice simple demo from Moritz Gießmann on animating the triangle of a <details> element, which is the affordance that tells people this thing can be opened. Animating it, then is another kind of affordance that tells people … The post How to Animate the Details Element...

Google vydal další doplněk pro Wordpress. Přinese na web Material Design

Google vydal další plugin pro populární redakční systém Wordpress. Ten má za cíl přinést na web více Material Designu. Administrátorům tak umožní snadno přepnout šablonu webu a zavést designové prvky typické pro Android aplikace. Material Design je soubor nejrůznější zásad a prvků, které by měli

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