
Nalezeno "facebook": 2239

Libra Coin – A New Digital Currency Developed by FACEBOOK

Libra, Let’s get started: Technology has improved the world around us, it is easy to send text, pictures and documents but why not money. What if we made the money truly global, stable, and secure. What if everyone has invited to … Continued The post Libra Coin – A New Digital Currency...

Nepište na Facebook, že zpochybňujete vakcíny – může vám zablokovat účet

Provozovatel největší sociální sítě Facebook hodlá ostřeji bojovat proti dezinformacím a konspiračním teoriím týkajícím se očkování. Doplnil proto článek, ve kterém vysvětluje, jak hodlá zajistit lepší informovanost svých uživatelů a omezit nepravdivá tvrzení, jež se v rámci sítě velmi snadno a

When QAnon Blows Up Your Friend Group

My ex was the first person to tell me about Q. This was near the end of 2016, and we were in the beginning stages of our relationship. I took it as us having the same, passive interest in conspiracy theories. The kind of interest where you go, “LOL sounds like a Dan Brown novel!” I laughed it...

What Facebook's Privacy Policies Don't Tell You

Folks, I’m gonna be honest with you. Over my (short) tenure covering digital privacy, I’ve seen my fair share of deeply shitty tech companies pulling deeply shitty stunts in attempts to profit off our personal data. Facebook is one of the names that comes up most frequently here, and that’s...

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