
Nalezeno "justice": 652

Crypto’s Counterpunch to U.S. Hegemony and Empire

“The Muslim world should be designing measures to save themselves from the domination of the United States dollar and the American financial regime.” —Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran Also Read: Crypto Confronts Social Justice Warriors Hegemony and Muslim Resistance Hegemony...

Crypto Confronts Social Justice Warriors 

“Many men are lamenting the “man-hating” rhetoric that they have imagined stemming from SJWs. It just so happens that many of these men are also heavily involved in cryptocurrencies due to the notion that Bitcoin can restore their libertarian ideals.”– Ross Chalmers...

Ross Ulbricht Clemency Petition Gathers 250,000 Signatures

On Friday, the Clemency for Ross Ulbricht petition hosted on surpassed 250,000 signatures. The solicitation for signatures started in July 2018 and gathered roughly 6,200 signatures during the first three days. Now with a quarter of a million signatures asking U.S. President Donald Trump...

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