
Nalezeno "Finance": 8411

Apple’s Not Happy With Epic’s Xbox Witness

On Wednesday, vice president of Xbox business development Lori Wright testified in the ongoing trial between Epic and Apple. Now, Apple wants the court to make an “adverse credibility finding,” due to Microsoft withholding pertinent documents in her testimony.Read more

MUNCH Project Reaches $1 Million Milestone in Charitable Donations

PRESS RELEASE. DeFi project Munch has raised over $1 million USD in two weeks, to aid community-chosen global causes in developing nations, through non-profit organization GiveWell. May 7th, 2021, London, UK — MUNCH is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) project which has raised over $1 million...

Democratizing Defi Data- Dechart DAO Launches Version 1.0 Trading Platform

On May 6, 2021, the total locked value (TVL) held by decentralized finance (defi) is more than $77 billion. Much of this money is used by decentralized exchange (dex) platforms and liquidity pools. With dex platforms capturing over $2 billion in trade volume daily and $18 billion during the last...

Sony si nechalo platit za cross-play, zaznělo u soudu s Epicem

Pokračující právní bitva mezi Epicem a Applem o zisky ze hry Fortnite nabírá obrátky. Nyní do ní byli vtaženi i provozovatelé platformy PlayStation. Ti prý vyžadovali extra kompenzace za to, aby jejich hráči mohli soupeřit i s majiteli jiných platforem

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