
Nalezeno "Building": 789

CSS Architecture for Modern JavaScript Applications

There is a lot to like from Mike Riethmuller here: The title. When you're building a website from JavaScript-powered components anyway, that is a moment to talk about how to do styling, because it opens some doors to JavaScript-powered styles that you probably wouldn't otherwise choose. The...

We are Programmers

Building websites is programming. Writing HTML and CSS is programming. I am a programmer, and if you're here, reading CSS-Tricks, chances are you're a programmer, too. The thing is, the details in programming layout with CSS are different, for example, than the details in programming API endpoints...

The New Good Ol’ Days

Eighteen years into this game, I love to reminisce back to the good ol’ days of the early to mid-2000s when there was an explosion of creativity on the web. It felt fresh and unbridled, with boundaries expected to be pushed at every turn, and they were. This was mainly down to one thing, the thing...

Everything and Nothing

I've been thinking about the question for a solid month now. What about building websites has you interested this year? The question pervaded my solitary thoughts and played in the background during my conversations. I’d love to just tell you the answer I’ve come to, but the more interesting part...

Smarter Design Systems Tools

What has me really excited about building websites is largely around design systems and the design tools we use to build them. Though, design systems are certainly not limited to websites. Closing the Gap In the ever-so-hot-right-now world of design systems, one of the most common phrases people...

How Building in the Open Can Change Our Industry

I have to admit, I'm a developer who hasn't built a website. When I first read Chris's question, I sat in silence for at least a minute. Which technical topic did I want to discuss? A new library, programming language or best practice? Nothing, in particular, came to mind. Is that because I'm a...

The future is bright, because the future is static

I've been doing this web thing for money for 10 years this year and although I haven’t been around as long as some folks, I feel like I've seen a few cycles come and go now, so let's say that hot new things are often cynically viewed, initially. This milestone of mine has also got me in...

Why Tokenized Projects Are Building on Bitcoin

Bitcoin is something you hodl. Ethereum is something you build on. At least that has long been the official narrative, with projects favoring dedicated smart contract networks over Bitcoin for spinning out dapps and second layer solutions. Like all crypto narratives, however, this one has started...

JAMstack, Fugu, and Houdini

What has me really excited about building websites recently is the fact that we, as front-end developers, have the power to do so much more. Only a few years ago, I would need a whole team of developers to accomplish what can now be done with just a few amazing tools. Although...


(This is a sponsored post.) Is it your job to keep an eye on your company's search engine placement? Or your clients? Or are you building a tool to do just that? Manually Googling stuff isn't going to scale particularly well there. Wouldn't it be nice if you could hit an API and it would return...

The Communal Cycle of Sharing

What I'm interested in this year is how we're continuing to expand on tools, services, and shared side projects to collectively guide where we take the web next, and the way we're sharing that. So many other mediums—mostly analog ones—have been around for ages and have a deeper history. In...

Pac-Man… in CSS!

You all know famous Pac-Man video game, right? The game is fun and building an animated Pac-Man character in HTML and CSS is just as fun! I’ll show you how to create one while leveraging the powers of the clip-path property. See the Pen Animated Pac-Man by Maks Akymenko (@maximakymenko) ...

Using the Platform

Tim Kadlec: So much care and planning has gone into creating the web platform, to ensure that even as new features are added, they’re added in a way that doesn’t break the web for anyone using an older device or browser. Can you say the same for any framework out there? I don’t mean that to...

Laying the Foundations

Here’s a new book by Andrew Couldwell all about design systems and his team’s experience at Sprout Social. For a while now they’ve been building Seeds, a brand guide that the internal team can and reference for brand and design-related things, including patterns, variables, and components....

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