CSS :is
There are scores of developers who hate CSS; don’t get it, don’t want to get it, etc. Most of that is either down to inefficiencies within the language or misunderstanding of how to properly construct a website structure. I mostly love CSS but there are some parts of the language that...
Red Dead Online Players Found A Glitchy Water Wheel That Sends Them Flying
There might not be any jetbikes in Red Dead Online, but that hasn’t stopped some players from figuring out a new way to go soaring into the sky. All you need to do is stand on a specific water wheel and wait. Soon, you’ll be flying like a bird. Read more
Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis Released 15 Years Ago Today And I Still Want A Sequel
A lot of people are currently waiting on Rockstar Games to announce the next Grand Theft Auto. And look, I’m excited about a new GTA game. But I also know it will happen one day. I’m far less certain we will ever get a sequel to Rockstar’s amazing table tennis game. 15 years later, I’m still...
Podívejte se, jak vypadá Grand Theft Auto V ve fotorealistické grafice
Vývojáři pomocí umělé inteligence vylepšili vzhled hry Grand Theft Auto V tak, že je na první pohled k nerozeznání od filmových záběrů. Bohužel jde jen o technologický prototyp a žádnou hru si v takové kvalitě v nejbližší době určitě nezahrajeme
Ma, Fetch The RTX 3090, Red Dead Redemption 2’s Gone VR
After releasing a virtual reality mod for Grand Theft Auto V last year, developer Luke Ross is back with a similar project for its wild west cousin, Red Dead Redemption 2.Read more
What Gaming Was Like The Last Time Cicadas Emerged, 17 Years Ago
You may know them as Brood X, or Brood 10, or the Great Eastern Brood. To most people, they’re periodical cicadas—insatiable insects that emerge from subterranean slumber every 17 years for the sole purpose of fucking each other to smithereens. Over the past week or so, Brood X cicadas have started...
Prevent Windows from Sleeping
I have a few processes on my Windows gaming PC that are critical but sometimes get impacted over night as Windows tells my beloved machine to tone it down. My machine has the necessary cooling so I’m happy to let the processes do their work. There is a setting in the UI which allows...
V listopadu vyjde Grand Theft Auto V už na třetí generaci konzolí
Famózní městská akce Grand Theft Auto V se ještě do konce roku dočká výrazného grafického vylepšení optimalizovaného pro nové konzole. Majitelé PS5 dostanou zdarma samostatnou online část
Player Completes Grand Theft Auto V In Nine Hours Without Taking A Single Hit
Here we have GTAV player UnNameD not only finishing the entire singleplayer storyline in a blistering nine hours, but somehow doing the entire thing without taking a single punch, stab or stray bullet in the process.Read more
Android 12 prošel dosud největší změnou designu. Na podzim odemkne vaše auto
GTA V Arrives On Xbox Series S/X And PlayStation 5 On November 11
Today, Rockstar announced Grand Theft Auto V, a game with almost as many releases as Skyrim, will be arriving on current gen systems November 11.Read more
Google dostal miliardovou pokutu za to, že nepustil aplikaci do systému Android Auto
Italský úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže udělil Googlu pokutu ve výši 102,8 milionů eur (v přepočtu asi 2,6 miliard korun) za zneužití dominantního postavení. Důvodem byla skutečnost, že do systému Android Auto nepustil aplikaci JuicePass vyvíjenou italskou firmou Enel X.
Dle obvinění Google
Auto-Generated Social Media Images
I’ve been thinking about social media images again. You know, the images that (can) show up when you share a link in places like Twitter, Facebook, or iMessage. You’re essentially leaving money on the table without them, because they …
The post Auto-Generated Social Media Images...
Grand Theft Auto V Looks Almost Photorealistic Thanks To Machine Learning
While we’ve seen loads of examples of AI making games look better over the last couple of years, I’ve never seen anything like this approach that’s able to take Grand Theft Auto V and through the power of magic make it look so damn real.Read more
Lone Developer Stands Up To Grand Theft Auto DMCA Claim, Wins
Earlier this year fans reversed engineered the source code to Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. They released it to the web, but Grand Theft Auto copyright holder Take-Two pulled it offline via a DMCA claim. But now one fan’s stood up to the publisher and succeeded in getting...
Not All Advice is Good Advice
From the time we’re children, we’re trusting people. We rely on those close and older than us to point us toward success and “the right way”. One of the toughest days of our lives is when we realize our parents, or people we look up to, aren’t always perfect...
Made In Abyss Game Gets Slapped With Adults-Only Rating In Japan
Surprised? If you’ve seen the Made In Abyss anime, you might not be. The video game adaptation has just been given a CERO-Z. That’s Japan’s adults-only, 18-years-old-and-up rating.Read more
Image Optimization Strategies Compared (Sponsored)
We all know the stats. Slower website performance is strongly linked to higher abandon rates and lower conversions. What you may not know is that the main culprit is bloated web page payloads, bringing down our otherwise performant web pages via images. That being said, images also drive...
Grand Theft Auto Speedrunner Has Terrible Luck
Speedrunning takes a tremendous amount of skill, but there are still many moments in even the most well-understood games that boil down to luck. A hapless Grand Theft Auto player known as English Ben was recently reminded of the fickle whims of the universe firsthand.Read more
Regular Expression Match Groups
Regular expressions are incredibly powerful but can be difficult to maintain. They’re a skill you learn on the job and, when the suits walk by, make you look incredibly smart if you have a few up on your screen. How can we solve the maintainability problem? With a match groups, as Addy Osmani...