Meteoweb mění design. Zahodil některé funkce, ale přidá nové
Web, jehož předpovědi počasí mnoho lidí považuje za nejpřesnější, se po letech převlékl do nového kabátu. Podle tvůrců je lépe strukturovaný a použitelný, takže si s ním poradí i hlasové čtečky obrazovek.
Technologicky vychází z mobilní verze dostupné od roku 2016. Na
3 Approaches to Integrate React with Custom Elements
In my role as a web developer who sits at the intersection of design and code, I am drawn to Web Components because of their portability. It makes sense: custom elements are fully-functional HTML elements that work in all modern …
The post 3 Approaches to Integrate React with Custom Elements...
Nové Samsungy Galaxy S21 si nespletete. Mají originální design a 5nm procesory
Dva základní modely řady Galaxy S21 toho mají hodně společného • Těšte se na špičkové displeje, skvělý výkon a povedené fotoaparáty • 5G už není za příplatek, dostalo se i do základního Galaxy S21
Fixing Smooth Scrolling with Find-on-Page
Back when we released the v17 design (we’re on v18 now) of this site. I added html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } to the CSS. Right away, I got comments like this (just one example):
… when you control+f or
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Building Flexible Components With Transparency
Good thinking from Paul Herbert on the Cloudfour blog about colorizing a component. You might look at a design comp and see a card component with a header background of #dddddd, content background of #ffffff, on an overall …
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New Web Design Trends and Inspiration for 2021
Web design trends come and go. Thanks to the upheaval in 2020, web designers are going to see some common trends fall by the wayside for safer design choices.
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Dokonale variabilní: Důkladná prohlídka počítačové skříně Fractal Design Meshify 2
Fractal Design přichází se zmodernizovaným modelem, který poskytuje ještě větší variabilitu, možnost osazení více disky, snadnější přístup k filtrům nebo podporu delších grafik než Meshify S2, přitom je levnější.
Design skříně je stejně čistý jako u Meshify S2, sklo (skutečné sklo, žádný
A Canceled 2006 Tomb Raider Game Is Now Playable
Back in 2006, Core Design, the original studio behind the Tomb Raider series, was working on a 10th-anniversary remake of the first game for PSP. While a lot of progress was made, the game was eventually canceled. Now, that original PSP game has resurfaced and is playable, PC Gamer reports.Read more
Students Are Filling in the Plot Lines of the Green New Deal
The Green New Deal tells an important story about what society could be instead of what it currently is. It’s about transitioning to a system that allows everyone a fair shot at succeeding and fixing past wrongs from pollution to colonial land grabs.Read more
Design v18
I redesigned the site! I can never think about the word redesign without also thinking about realigning, from Cameron Moll’s seminal article. I did not start from nothing. This design wasn’t a blank design canvas and empty code …
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Chapter 6: Web Design
Previously in web history…
After the first websites demonstrate the commercial and aesthetic potential of the web, the media industry floods the web with a surge of new content. Amateur webzines — which define and voice and tone unique to …
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Call Of Duty's 1980s Shopping Mall Map Gets The Little Details Right
Maybe it’s the 2020 pandemic blues, but I can’t get enough of Black Ops Cold War’s retro shopping mall map. “The Pines” is a standard 6v6 multiplayer map that was added earlier this month with the launch of Cold War’s Season One. It’s a New Jersey-based mall filled with retail flashbacks. I’ve...
Č po dlouhých letech mění design. Je responzivní a přibyly funkce
Česko-slovenská filmová databáze v těchto dnech uživatele oslovila s výzvou, aby vyzkoušeli novou podobu stránek. Na adrese najdete přepracovaný web, který teď působí moderněji, ale zároveň zachovává poznávací znamení originálu.
Nově je responzivní, takže se umí přizpůsobit užším
25 Years of JavaScript & 25 Free Courses
(This is a sponsored post.)
Pluralsight is giving away 25 courses on JavaScript for free to celebrate JavaScript’s 25th birthday. It’s no cheapie, either. The courses range from getting your hands dirty with JavaScript for the first time, to full-on reactive development....
Three Ways to Distinguish a Site From the Norm
In an age where so much web design is already neat, clean, and simple, I can think of three ways to distinguish your site from the norm:
Stunning visuals that cannot be created in UI vector editors, like Figma and Sketch
Beautifully-animated interactions that cannot be dreamt in the language...
Representation Matters
This year I had the pleasure of re-launching The Accessibility Project. I spend a lot of time researching and writing about accessibility and inclusive design, so this felt like the cumulation of a lot of that effort. The site now uses all sorts of cool web features like CSS Grid, @supports,...
Square Crypto’s 20th Grant Will Support Bitcoin Design, User Experience
Square Crypto is issuing another Bitcoin developer grant for research on Bitcoin design and user experience
Let’s Create a Lightweight Native Event Bus in JavaScript
An event bus is a design pattern (and while we’ll be talking about JavaScript here, it’s a design pattern in any language) that can be used to simplify communications between different components. It can also be thought of as publish/subscribe or pubsub.
The idea is that components can listen...
2020 was not a good year for learning
There, I said it.
What did I learn about building websites in 2020? A lot. But what I learned is not nearly as important as how I learned it. So instead, I want to share a couple of strategies I used to unblock learning in less-than-ideal times.
I spent almost a decade teaching design and, let...
Overlaying Video With Transparency While Wrangling Cross-Browser Support
As websites are becoming more and more dynamic when it comes to design, there is sometimes a need to incorporate complex, animated elements. There are many ways to do that from CSS transitions to 3D rendering on canvas, and animated SVG. But it is often easier to use a <video> since they...