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The Cost of Javascript Frameworks

I expect this post from Tim Kadlec to be quoted in every performance conference talk for the next few years. There is a lot of data here, so please check it out for yourself, but the short story is that JavaScript-framework-powered sites are definitely heavier and more resource-intensive than...

How to Add Lunr Search to your Gatsby Website

The Jamstack way of thinking and building websites is becoming more and more popular. Have you already tried Gatsby, Nuxt, or Gridsome (to cite only a few)? Chances are that your first contact was a “Wow!” moment — so many things are automatically set up and ready to use.  There are some...

How to Play Retro Game ROMs on Windows

Video games are always a fun time, something we desperately need during our COVID lockdown. A few years back I shared how to play retro games on Mac, as well as how to patch games to play popular ROM hacks like Grand Poo World and Invictus. One disadvantage that Macs have, however, is performance...

Using CSS to Set Text Inside a Circle

You want to set some text inside the shape of a circle with HTML and CSS? That’s crazy talk, right? Not really! Thanks to shape-outside and some pure CSS trickery it is possible to do exactly that.  However, this can be a fiddly layout option. We have to take lots of different things into...

How to Re-Create a Nifty Netflix Animation in CSS

The design for Netflix’s browse page has remained pretty similar for a few years now. One mainstay component is the preview slider that allows users to scroll through content and hover on items to see a preview. One unique characteristic of the UI is its hover behavior. When a show preview...

Here’s How to Order Food From Your Home Using Cryptocurrency

Staying home during the coronavirus epidemic reduces the risk of getting infected with the deadly covid-19. The disease, which has already claimed the lives of over 20,000 people globally, spreads through human contact. Food is one of the few basic necessities that can regularly get you out of your...

Consistent Backends and UX: What are the Barriers to Adoption?

There are very few scenarios in which an eventually consistent database is preferable over a strongly consistent database. Further, in a multi-region application scenario where scaling is necessary, choosing either an undistributed database or an eventually consistent database is even more...

A Few Background Patterns Sites

If I need a quick background pattern to spruce something up, I often think of the CSS3 Patterns Gallery. Some of those are pretty intense but remember they are easily editable because they are just CSS. That means you could take these bold zags and chill them out. CodePen Embed Fallback My usual...

Considerations When Choosing Fonts for a Multilingual Website

As a front-end developer working for clients all over the world, I've always struggled to deal with multilingual websites — especially cases where both right-to-left (RTL) and left-to-right (LTR) are used. That said, I’ve learned a few things along the...

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