
Nalezeno "Pre": 717

How do you figure?

Scott O'Hara digs into the <figure> and <figcaption> elements. Gotta love a good ol' HTML deep dive. I use these on just about every blog post here on CSS-Tricks, and as I've suspected, I've basically been doing it wrong forever. My original thinking was that a figcaption was just...

Using Artificial Intelligence to Generate Alt Text on Images

Web developers and content editors alike often forget or ignore one of the most important parts of making a website accessible and SEO performant: image alt​ text. You know, that seemingly small image attribute that describes an image: ​​​<img src="/cute/sloth/image.jpg" alt="A brown baby sloth...

Multiple Background Clip

You know how you can have multiple backgrounds? body { background-image: url(image-one.jpg), url(image-two.jpg); } That's just background-image. You can set their position too, as you might expect. We'll shorthand it: body { background: url(image-one.jpg) no-repeat top right, ...

New CodePen Feature: Prefill Embeds

I've very excited to have this feature released for CodePen. It's very progressive enhancement friendly in the sense that you can take any <pre> block of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (or any combination of them) and enhance it into an embed, meaning you can see the rendered output. It also...

Does it mutate?

This little site by Remy Sharp's makes it clear whether or not a JavaScript method changes the original array (aka mutates) or not. I was actually bitten by this the other day. I needed the last element from an array, so I remembered .pop() and used it. const arr = ["doe", "ray", "mee"]; const...

Using React Portals to Render Children Outside the DOM Hierarchy

Say we need to render a child element into a React application. Easy right? That child is mounted to the nearest DOM element and rendered inside of it as a result. render() { return ( <div> // Child to render inside of the div </div> ); } But! What if we want...

Algorithmic Layouts

Don't miss this video by Heydon that digs into CSS layouts. It's great how he combines fundamental knowledge, like the way elements flow, wrap, and can have margin with new layout methods like flexbox and grid (with specific examples). Of particular note is the clear demonstration of how flexbox...

Toggling Animations On and Off

A nicely detailed tutorial by Kirupa that gets into how you might provide a UI with persisted options that control whether animations run or not. The trick is custom properties that control the movement: body { --toggle: 0; --playState: "paused"; } Which are used within animations...

Regarding CSS’s Global Scope

html { font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; } With the except of some form elements, you've just set a font on every bit of text on a site! Nice! That's probably what you were trying to do, because of the probably hundreds of elements all over your site, setting that font-family every time would...

The Fragmented, But Evolving State of CSS-in-JS

TLDR: The CSS-in-JS community has converged on a consistent API. Not so long ago, a Facebook engineer compiled a list of the available CSS-in-JS methodologies. It wasn’t short: aphrodite, babel-plugin-css-in-js, babel-plugin-pre-style, bloody-react-styled, classy, csjs, css-constructor, css-light...

Gelato Festival – vzrušujúci deň pre celú rodinu v Designer Outlet Parndorf

Zažite podujatie výnimočného charakteru a navštívte 6. a 7. júla Gelato Festival. Tešte sa na extravagantné kreácie zo zmrzliny od tých najlepších výrobcov a nechajte sa prekvapiť vynikajúcimi druhmi. Od mesta k mestu sú zmrzlinári ich remeselná zručnosť stredobodom súťaže. Porota pozostáva...

Don’t Use The Placeholder Attribute

Eric Bailey takes a hardline position on <input placeholder>. You might be thinking, as I did: yeah, yeah I know the pitfalls. I'm capable of using placeholder responsibly. But when you look at all the negatives together: Can’t be automatically translated; Is oftentimes used in place of...

What the heck is "Script error?"

If you’ve done any work with the JavaScript onerror event before, you’ve probably come across the following: "Script error." “Script error” is what brows

Kúpele Sonnetherme – oddych pre celú rodinu

Celá rakúska oblasť Neusiedlersee je preslávená svojimi termálnymi kúpeľmi. Prirodzene sa tu nachádza veľké množstvo wellness rezortov. Kúpele Sonnentherme ležiaca východne od Lutzmannsburg sú z nich pravdepodobne najznámejšie. Čo tu nájdete? Niečo pre fanúšikov adrenalínu Zábavný vodný park...

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