Value Locked in Crypto DeFi Markets Hits $1 Billion Milestone
$1 billion in value is now locked in the DeFi markets, as Ether continues to see bullish price momentum
Salesforce and Samsung Add to Earlier $35M Investment in Digital Asset
In a second Series C funding round, blockchain startup gains support from Samsung and Salesforce venture arms Puts $200,000 Up for Grabs in Puzzle Smart Contract Challenge
5.2.2020 unveils EOSIO blockchain puzzle with $200,000 reward for first successful smart contract
Study: Smart Contracts Limit Data Availability, But Improve Its Quality
Research firm Gartner warns blockchain smart contracts could limit the availability of data for enterprises, yet argue their impact would be a net positive
Gartner Research: Smart Contract Adoption to Increase Data Quality by 50% Over 3 Years
Research conducted by Gartner is predicting a 50% increase in overall data quality by 2023 for all businesses and organizations using blockchain smart contracts
Does Algorand 2.0 Prove an Appealing Option for Developers?
Could Algorand blockchain platform become a successful competitor for Ethereaum?
India Unveils National Blockchain Strategy, Calling on RBI to Issue Digital Currency
India’s National Strategy on Blockchain has been published. It recommends, among other things, for the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to issue a central bank digital currency. The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology tasked the National Institute for Smart Government with drafting...
Cardano Inches to Smart Contract Implementation with New Paper
Cardano reveals the formal model of its smart contracts, but mainnet release date remains uncertain
Ditto Music to Launch App Offering Speedy Blockchain Solution
Ditto Music to launch blockchain app to track musical royalties
The Evolution of Bitcoin's Technology Stack
For more than 10 years already, Bitcoin’s innovations have been pushed on all fronts: What are those improvements?
Hong Kong and Thailand Pilot DLT-Based Project for Cross-Border Payments
Hong Kong and Thailand’s central banks have piloted a Corda-based CBDC project for cross-border payments
JPMorgan’s DLT Spin-off Completes Industry’s First Hybrid Blockchain
JPMorgan’s blockchain spin-off Kadena has fully launched its public blockchain, completing what it calls the “industry’s first hybrid blockchain platform”
Block.One Released Major Blockchain Software Update 2.0
Block.One released a major update of the software underlying the EOS blockchain
PwC Switzerland Partners Smart Contract Auditing Team ChainSecurity
ChainSecurity smart contract auditing team joined PwC Switzerland
Bugs Found in Compiler for Readable Ethereum Smart Contracts, Team Downplays Concerns
Bugs in Vyper Compiler do not affect the Ethereum 2.0 deposit contract, argue its maintainers
Why Nick Szabo Probably Isn’t Satoshi
Search online for ‘possible creators of Bitcoin’ and Bit Gold creator Nick Szabo will always appear near the top of the list. His long history in the cypherpunk space, his writings on money, digital cash, and smart contracts, and some facts about his past have often been used to create...
AirSwap is Leading the Way to Smart Contracts’ Perfection
In the financial world, advancements and innovations are at their peak. One of the finest innovations is Smart Contracts. It is nothing but automation of the deal-making process. Like its conventional counterpart, it also needs two or more parties and deals with realities, exchange shares, money...
Euro-Pegged Stablecoin: The Ultimate Growth Driver for Crypto-Lending
The crypto lending market could possibly disrupt the traditional finance sector
Indian Government’s Institute Offers Blockchain Training in Multiple Cities
The National Power Training Institute, under India’s Ministry of Power, is offering blockchain training in multiple cities throughout the country. Participants will learn about blockchain technology, its use cases, smart contracts, Ethereum, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and even mining. Also...
On today’s holiday episode, we’ll quickly define and demystify the blockchain term “smart contract.”