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Lysander Spooner: Natural Law – The Science of Justice

The science of mine and thine – the science of justice – is the science of all human rights; of all a man’s rights of person and property; of all his rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Section I. It is the science which alone can tell any man what he...

Going Jamstack with React, Serverless, and Airtable

The best way to learn is to build. Let’s learn about this hot new buzzword, Jamstack, by building a site with React, Netlify (Serverless) Functions, and Airtable. One of the ingredients of Jamstack is static hosting, but that doesn’t mean everything on the site has to be static. In fact, we’re...

A Bit on CI/CD

I’d say “website” fits better than “mobile app” but I like this framing from Max Lynch: Every production mobile app ultimately has a set of recurring tasks around integration, testing, deployment, and long term maintenance. These tasks often must be automated across...

IRS Prioritizes Cryptocurrency, Now First Question on 1040 Tax Form

The new U.S. tax form is out and the cryptocurrency question is the first one on the main 1040 tax form used by about 150 million people to file their taxes. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires all tax filers to declare whether they have received, sold, exchanged, or acquired...

Optimize Images with a GitHub Action

I was playing with GitHub Actions the other day. Such a nice tool! Short story: you can have it run code for you, like run your build processes, tests, and deployments. But it’s just configuration files that can run whatever you need. There is a whole marketplace of Actions wanting to do work...

That’s Just How I Scroll

How do you know a page (or any element on that page) scrolls? Well, if it has a scrollbar, that’s a pretty good indication. You might still have to scrapple with your client about “the fold” or whatever, but I don’t think anyone is confused at what a scrollbar is or what...

JavaScript Fatigue

From Nicholas Zakas’ newsletter, on how he avoids JavaScript fatigue:  I don’t try to learn about every new thing that comes out. There’s a limited number of hours in the day and a limited amount of energy you can devote to any topic, so I choose not to learn about anything...

The Making of: Netlify’s Million Devs SVG Animation Site

The following article captures the process of building the Million Developers microsite for Netlify. This project was built by a few folks and we’ve captured some parts of the process of building it here- focusing mainly on the animation aspects, in case any are helpful to others building...


The Promise object has many useful functions like all, resolve, reject, and race — stuff we use all the time. One function that many don’t know about is Promise.allSettled, a function that fires when all promises in an array are settled, regardless of whether any of the promises...

J. A. McDonald: The Longest Running Case of Mass Hysteria

It is a mass delusion on an epic scale, beyond that of any known mental illness or fallacious belief. It is neither genetic nor viral nor bacterial, yet it has spread to each corner of the world and overtaken it. Statism, the belief in a forceful and coercive government, is an affliction that...

Here’s How to Check If a Bitcoin Address Is a Scam

With the rapid rise in the number of bitcoin scams, there are easy ways to check if a bitcoin address has been reported as being used by scammers, such as in fake bitcoin giveaways. You can also easily report any bitcoin address associated with a scam. Check the ‘Bitcoin Abuse’ Database...

Tips for Starting with Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies

One of the most rewarding experiences of my life, both financially and logically, has been buying and managing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum. Like learning any other new tech, I made rookie mistakes along the way, but learned some best practices along the way. Check out these...

Tradeoffs and Shifting Complexity

This is a masterclass from Dave: After you hit the wall of unremovable complexity, any “advances” are a shell game, making tradeoffs that get passed down to the user … you get “advances” by shifting where the complexity lives. You don’t get free reductions in complexity. In CSS land...

Make Jamstack Slow? Challenge Accepted.

“Jamstack is slowwwww.” That’s not something you hear often, right? Especially, when one of the main selling points of Jamstack is performance. But yeah, it’s true that even a Jamstack site can suffer hits to performance just like any other site.  Don’t think that by choosing Jamstack you...

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