Google Bard konečně v Česku a v češtině. A tím to nekončí, novinek je mnohem více
Museli jsme si počkat ještě další dva měsíce, ale už je tady • Google dnes spouští Barda v Evropské unii a v češtině i slovenštině • Konverzační robot se také naučil hromadu nových kousků
Google Play Embraces Digital Assets & NFTs: What You Need to Know
In an unprecedented move, Google Play, the popular Andriod app and game marketplace, has announced policy changes to allow the integration of digital assets such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) into its platform.
Google Play Group Product Manager, Joseph Mills, unveiled the policy shift on Wednesday...
Google Play Store officially allows NFT games, but not gambling ones
The store’s team said games can offer NFTs for sale or to earn, but developers must declare this feature in their game's descriptions and must not allow gambling
Google Play Changes Policy on Tokenized Digital Assets, Allowing NFTs in Apps and Games
Google Play announced a major shift in policy today, allowing developers to incorporate digital assets such as NFTs into their apps and games in the store. Companies that decide to offer the ability to buy, sell or earn tokenized assets will be required to make it clear in the Play Console that...
Google hit with lawsuit over new AI data scraping privacy policy
A week after Google updated its privacy policy to allow data scraping for AI training purposes the company is now facing a class action lawsuit
Zrod a zkáza Google Readeru. Měla to být revoluce, ale padla ve shaze dohnat Facebook
Google před 10 let ukončil RSS čtečku Reader • Nadějný produkt měl usnadnit surfování na nekonečném webu
• Google ale tvůrcům celou dobu házel klacky pod nohy
Google Trends Data Reflects Rising Interest in BRICS Bloc and De-Dollarization Searches
Set to take place in less than two months, the upcoming BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, scheduled for August 22 to 24, has captured global attention. Anticipation is mounting as ministers from the BRICS countries convene to explore potential avenues for expanding the bloc’s membership...
Google ruší archiv alb. Svoje fotky si musíte stáhnout, než je smaže
Možná máte u Googlu uschované starší obrázky, které pochází ze zrušených služeb jako Picasa Web Albums nebo Hangouts. Pokud ano, věnujte raději pozornost následujícímu sdělení. Google takové obrázky schraňuje v tzv. archivu alb. Brzy ho ovšem zruší.
Archiv platí za shromaždiště, v němž najdete
Google Chat dohání konkurenci sedmerem novinek. Své zprávy upravíte nebo smažete
Google představil sedmero (budoucích) novinek v komunikační službě Chat, která spadá pod prostředí Workspace. Zrovna první pro tuzemské publikum zajímavá není. Chytré psaní zpráv je totiž dostupné jen v pár jazycích a čeština mezi nimi chybí. Kdybyste funkci neznali, vězte, že jde o návrhy slov
Google Cloud furthers Bitcoin Lightning ambitions with Voltage partnership
Lightning strikes Google Cloud as Apple closes the door on Bitcoin tipping — why a recent collaboration could bolster Bitcoin Lightning Network activity
Do memecoins have a place in crypto — Where they stand
Memecoins fill a cultural need. People may not understand zero-knowledge succinct argument of knowledge (SNARK) scaling solutions, but they might own dogs, cats or other pets
InQubeta likely to attract top players like Microsoft & Google in the future
In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing industries and shaping the way we interact with technology. Top tech companies like Microsoft and Google have spearheaded advancements in AI, recognizing...
US reportedly plans to restrict China’s access to cloud computing services
Report says sources close to the situation have said U.S. officials plan to restrict Chinese companies’ access to cloud computing services as a security measure
Rate Limit Cut on Twitter to Diminish Crypto Visibility on Google
Twitter's new rate limits have severely affected the indexing and display of tweets on Google's search engine.
According to a recent report from Search Engine Land, Google Search has witnessed a drop of more than half of the indexed URLs from Twitter in recent days, resulting in a significant...
Crypto Twitter will see less exposure on Google due to rate limit slash
Another impact of Elon Musk’s Twitter limits is lower search visibility on Google, according to SEO experts
Google updates its privacy policy to allow data scraping for AI training
The latest updates to Google’s privacy policy reveal that Google may use any public information available to train its various AI products and services
Co o vás Google najde na internetu, to použije k vylepšení umělé inteligence
Google v sobotu aktualizoval zásady ochrany osobních údajů a má v nich jednu důležitou změnu. V sekci týkající se sběru dat a definice veřejně přístupných zdrojů nově píše toto:
Veřejně přístupné zdroj
Můžeme například shromažďovat údaje, které jsou veřejně dostupné na webu nebo z jiných
Na Switchi lze vyzkoušet povedenou strategii Two Point Campus
Applied Digital Stock Surges 12% After Announcing Its Third AI Deal
Applied Digital will be deploying HPE's Cray XD supercomputers in its AI cloud service
US Senator pushes tech companies to label AI-generated content
The U.S. Democrat Senator Michael Bennet wrote a letter to major tech companies including OpenAI and Google to urge the labeling of AI-generated content