Encrypted Messaging Site Privnote Cloned to Steal Bitcoin
The free web service, which lets users send encrypted messages that self-destruct once read, has been copied with the reported aim of redirecting users' bitcoin to criminals
Binance Reportedly Trades Crypto in China Despite Ban, Says It Runs 'Test Site'
Binance is said to be operating a mysterious domain for Chinese traders
Making My Netlify Build Run Sass
Let’s say you wanted to build a site with Eleventy as the generator. Popular choice these days! Eleventy doesn’t have some particularly blessed way of preprocessing your CSS, if that’s something you want to do. There are a variety of ways to do it and perhaps that freedom is part...
[aktualita] Výluka vysílače Krásný odstaví digitální televizní sítě i analogový rozhlas
České radiokomunikace naplánovaly na středu 10. června 2020 technickou údržbu vysílače Pardubice-Krásné. Znamená to, že přes den nebudou z této lokality vysílat žádné digitální televizní sítě a přechodně se odmlčí také několik stanic Českého rozhlasu. V případě televizního vysílání začne výluka...
Diverse Illustration
Hey gang, #BlackLivesMatter.
One tiny way I thought we could help here on this site, aside from our efforts as individuals, is to highlight some design resources that are both excellent and feature Black people. Representation matters.
Here’s one. You know Pablo Stanley? Pablo is a wonderful...
Jumping Into Webmentions With NextJS (or Not)
Webmention is a W3C recommendation last published on January 12, 2017. And what exactly is a Webmention? It’s described as…
[…] a simple way to notify any URL when you mention it on your site. From the receiver’s perspective, it’s a way to request notifications when other sites...
Travala Sees 205% Jump in Booking Revenue as Travel Demand Returns — 60% Paid With Cryptocurrencies
Crypto-friendly travel booking platform Travala has reported booking growth as demand for travel returns despite continued coronavirus crisis and extended lockdowns in many places. Its booking revenue in May soared 205% and 60% of all bookings were paid with cryptocurrencies. Travel Demand...
Jetpack Scan
Fresh from the Jetpack team at Automattic, today, comes Jetpack Scan. Jetpack Scan scans all the files on your site looking for anything suspicious or malicious and lets you know, or literally fixes it for you with your one-click approval.
This kind of security scanning is very important to...
Crypto Travel Booking Site Travala Sees 46% Monthly Increase in Bookings Despite Pandemic
Cryptocurrency travel website saw a 45.8% increase in the total number of room nights booked in May compared to April
Jamstack News!
I totally forgot that the Jamstack Conf was this week but thankfully they’ve already published the talks on the Jamstack YouTube channel. I’m really looking forward to sitting down with these over a coffee while I also check out Netlify’s other big release today: Build Plugins.
These are plugins...
[aktualita] Donald Trump chce zbavit sociální sítě ochrany před odpovědností za obsah uživatelů
Americký prezident Donald Trump v reakci na označení svých dvou tweetů za sporné vydal prezidentský výnos (executive order), ve kterém nařizuje vládním úřadům vyložit několik paragrafů klíčového amerického zákona upravujícího fungování online služeb. Dotyčná norma (Section 230) vylučuje...
Analyst Who Helped Topple Crypto Child Exploitation Site Honored
Kim Reece is now a finalist for the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal
[aktualita] Vodafone hlásí výpadky sítě, potíže můžete mít s hovory i daty
Mobilní operátor Vodafone hlásí problémy se sítí. Projevují se výpadky hovorů, datových služeb a televize. „Usilovně pracujeme na tom, abychom potíže co nejrychleji odstranili. Moc se vám omlouváme za případné komplikace, budeme vás informovat, jakmile budeme mít nové zprávy,“ oznámil operátor...
[aktualita] Blíží se vypnutí Přechodové sítě 13 v Českých Budějovicích a Dačicích
V noci z 8. na 9. června 2020 přestane společnost Digital Broadcasting šířit televizní programy v rámci Přechodové sítě 13 ve dvou lokalitách. Jde o stanoviště České Budějovice–Kleť (32. kanál) a Dačice–Urbanečský vrch (24. kanál). Náhradou je finální DVB-T2 Multiplex 24 na 30. kanále, který...
Get Programmatic Control of your Builds with Netlify Build Plugins
Today at Jamstack_Conf, Netlify announced Build Plugins. What it does is allow you to have particular hooks for events within your build, like when the build starts or ends. What’s nice about them is that they’re just a plain ‘ol JavaScript object, so you can insert some logic...
Framer Web
The prototyping app Framer just launched the web version of their design tool and it looks pretty darn neat. I particularly love the design of the marketing site that explains how to use Framer and what sets it apart from other design tools. They have a ton of examples that you can pop open...
Using BugHerd to Track Visual Feedback on Websites
BugHerd is about collecting visual feedback for websites.
If you’re like me, you’re constantly looking at your own websites and you’re constantly critiquing them. I think that’s healthy. Nothing gets better if you look at your own work and consider it perfectly finished....
Tackling Authentication With Vue Using RESTful APIs
Authentication (logging in!) is a crucial part of many websites. Let’s look at how to go about it on a site using Vue, in the same way it can be done with any custom back end. Vue can’t actually do authentication all by itself, —we’ll need another service for that, so we’ll be using another service...
How to Make a Simple CMS With Cloudflare, GitHub Actions and Metalsmith
Let’s build ourselves a CMS. But rather than build out a UI, we’re going to get that UI for free in the form of GitHub itself! We’ll be leveraging GitHub as the way to manage the content for our static site generator (it could be any static site generator). Here’s the gist of it: GitHub is going...
Accepting Payments (including Recurring Payments) on
I’m a fan of building websites with the least amount of technical debt and things you have to be responsible for as possible for what you wanna do. Sometimes you take on this debt on purpose because you have to, but when you don’t, please don’t ;).
Let’s say you need...