Components, yo.
I see VuePress just went 1.0. Explained simply, it's a static site generator based on Vue. But of course, you work in Vue, which means you work in components.
All the modern JavaScript frameworks are component-based. Even when they disagree with each other about specific things (like how Svelte...
Indian Government-Backed Program Offers Crypto and Blockchain Course
An Indian government-initiated program is offering a course for undergraduates to learn about cryptocurrency, blockchains, and their use cases. This 12-week interactive course is free to enroll and learn from. Among the topics covered are Bitcoin basics and consensus. Meanwhile, India’s...
Detect if Element is a Web Component
I’ve advocated for web components since before they became a spec, mostly inspired by the Dojo Toolkit’s dijit framework. Empowering first class JavaScript widgets, as opposed to a mess of DIVs and templates, always made the most sense. Now that web components exist, and awesome...
V sobotu proběhne mezinárodní Flutter Hackathon
V sobotu 1. 6. proběhne v Praze Flutter Hackathon v rámci akce International Flutter Hackathon, který se bude konat souběžně na 60 místech na světě. Hackathon je zaměřený na framework Flutter (mobilní aplikace, web)…
Supreme Court Advocate Suggests How to Regulate Cryptocurrency in India
An Indian supreme court advocate has shared some thoughts on the kind of cryptocurrency regulation India can benefit from. The right regulatory framework “would ensure transparency, oversight and accountability,” but a “one size fits all” regulation would be a mistake,...
Proposed Securities Framework Wrong for Regulating Crypto Exchanges, Argues Kraken
Kraken says no to proposed regulation of crypto exchanges by Canadian securities institutions
A Better Approach for Using Purgecss with Tailwind
Greg Kohn looks at how to use Purgecss — a tool that helps remove unused styles — and Tailwind — a utility-based CSS framework — and why we might want to pair these tools together:
Tailwind, by intention, is aiming to equip you with an arsenal of utility classes...
Deploying a Client-Side Rendered create-react-app to Microsoft Azure
Deploying a React app to Microsoft Azure is simple. Except that... it isn’t. The devil is in the details. If you're looking to deploy a create-react-app — or a similar style front-end JavaScript framework that requires pushState-based routing — to Microsoft Azure, I believe this article will serve...
Wrap a Vanilla JavaScript Package for Use in React
Complex web projects often require the use of 3rd party widgets. But what if you're using a framework while a widget is only available in pure JavaScript?
To use a JavaScript w
Collective #505
CSSBattle * Yet Another JavaScript Framework * x-ray * A progressive disclosure component * Gimli
Collective #505 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Responsible JavaScript
We just made a note about this article by Jeremy Wagner in our newsletter but it’s so good that I think it’s worth linking to again as Jeremy writes about how our obsession with JavaScript can lead to accessibility and performance issues:
What we tend to forget is that the environment websites...
Yet Another JavaScript Framework
On March 6, 2018, a new bug was added to the official Mozilla Firefox browser bug tracker. A developer had noticed an issue with Mozilla's nightly build. The report noted that a 14-day weather forecast widget typically featured on a German website had all of a sudden broken and disappeared. Nothing...
A historical look at lowercase defaultstatus
Browsers, thank heavens, take backward compatibility seriously.
Ancient websites generally work just fine on modern browsers. There is a way higher chance that a website is broken because of problems with hosting, missing or altered assets, or server changes than there is with changes in...
Web Standards Meet User-Land: Using CSS-in-JS to Style Custom Elements
The popularity of CSS-in-JS has mostly come from the React community, and indeed many CSS-in-JS libraries are React-specific. However, Emotion, the most popular library in terms of npm downloads, is framework agnostic.
Using the shadow DOM is common when creating custom elements, but there’s...
The Benefits of Structuring CSS Around Appearance and Layout
I like this point that Jonathan Snook made on Twitter and I’ve been thinking about it non-stop because it describes something that’s really hard about writing CSS:
I feel like that tweet sounds either very shallow or very deep depending on how you look at it but in reality, I don't think...
Build Light-Weight REST and Realtime Apps with FeathersJS
In the barest of definitions, Feathers is a simple minimalistic realtime framework for web applications built over Express. What this means is that with Feathers, you can keep using middlewares but
Why CSS Needs its Own Survey
2016 was only three years ago, but that’s almost a whole other era in web development terms. The JavaScript landscape was in turmoil, with up-and-comer React — as well as a little-known framework called Vue — fighting to dethrone Angular.
Like many other developers, I felt lost. I needed some...
Petr Svoboda (Shopsys): E-shopy umírají, protože nezvládají přechod na technologickou firmu
Shopsys, který Petr Svoboda před 15 lety založil, se s 70 zaměstnanci a s 800 dokončenými projekty řadí mezi přední české vývojáře e-shopů. Loni získal již druhou investici od VC fondu Reflex Capital na další rozvoj vlastní open-source e-commerce platformy Shopsys Framework. Svoboda svěřil vedení...
What Hooks Mean for Vue
Not to be confused with Lifecycle Hooks, Hooks were introduced in React in v16.7.0-alpha, and a proof of concept was released for Vue a few days after. Even though it was proposed by React, it’s actually an important composition mechanism that has benefits across JavaScript framework ecosystems,...
CSS :placeholder-shown
One of the first plugins that would hit a new framework in the early days of JavaScript frameworks was a placeholder plugin, which is why we were so excited when HTML5 brought us the placeholder attribute. Then CSS lovers like me were thrilled when the CSS spec allowed us to style placeholders....