
Nalezeno "Bank": 7387

Governor of Bank of England Proposes a New Digital Currency

In an important announcement which could possibly have a far-reaching impact on the cryptocurrency sphere, Mark Carney, governor of Bank of England has opined that reliance of the world on the US dollar as a primary Fiat currency is not a good indicator and could possibly spell trouble for...

Initiative to Curtail Negative Interest Rates Gains Traction in Germany

Negative interest rates, a common occurrence in Europe these days, are unpleasant for both banks and clients. And financial institutions have been increasingly transferring the bulk of the burden on to their customers. Some political factions in Germany, however, aren’t happy with the trend...

The New Bitcoin Banks Are Here

A new age of banking is imminent. Legacy models will be forced to follow suit or become obsolete in the eyes of value holders worldwide, as new bitcoin and crypto services take over, seeking to implement blockchain systems with an eye on convenience and financial inclusion. Announcements...

Smokescreens and Mirrors: How Does a Country Do an ICO? They Call It QE

Financial regulators all around the world have been cracking down hard on ICOs for promising more than they can deliver. At the same time governments and central banks are pulling off far worse scams, such as QE, wiping out the savings of everyone that depends on them. To hide this fact they...

Major Swedish Bank Orders Negative Interest Rate on Euro Deposits

Sub-zero interest rates have become the norm in some countries, especially in Europe. Nordic nations such as Sweden and Denmark have been in negative territory for a while and a growing number of banks in the region are now charging depositors for keeping their money. Saving in fiat right...

The World Bank’s Blockchain Bond Is Just a Fancy Way of Selling Debt

Last year the World Bank and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia announced a permissioned Ethereum-based blockchain to facilitate the end-to-end issuance of bonds between financial partners. The Bretton Woods-created financial institution hopes to make debt capital markets far more efficient with...

Indian Supreme Court Orders RBI to Answer Crypto Exchanges, New Date Set

After hearing the arguments against the banking restriction by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in detail, the Indian supreme court directed the central bank to reply to the representations filed by crypto exchanges. Since the RBI has not adequately answered them, the court set a new date to resume...

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