
Nalezeno "21/21 Plan": 1576

Systemic Swiss Banks Not Ready for Crisis, Regulator Says

Switzerland’s financial regulator is not satisfied with the emergency plans of two of the Alpine nation’s five major banks. The assessment refers to a period prior to the rescue of Credit Suisse by UBS when the authority viewed the troubled giant’s preparedness in positive terms. 2 Swiss Banks...

Musk Mulls AI Startup to Rival Chatgpt Maker Openai, Report

Entrepreneur Elon Musk is preparing to launch a startup that will compete with Openai, the creator of Chatgpt, a media report unveiled. According to quoted knowledgeable sources, the owner of Twitter and Tesla is already assembling a team of developers and talking to investors. Elon Musk Reportedly...

Despite Using Euro, Montenegro to Develop Own Digital Currency With Ripple

Montenegro intends to create and issue its own digital currency with help from U.S.-based crypto company Ripple. The Southeast European nation, which adopted the euro unilaterally, is moving to realize the plan despite the eurozone developing a digital version of the common currency. Monetary...

Diablo IV Devs On How They Plan On Keeping You Hooked For Hundreds of Hours

If it’s anything like previous games in the series, Diablo IV will only take a couple dozen hours to finish the main story. But for many players, that’s when the game really gets started, letting you fine-tune your character’s build and take on ever more difficult dungeons in pursuit of better...

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