
Nalezeno "David Zábrž": 1044

Track Your Keyword Placement with Ranktrackify (Sponsored)

I don’t need to tell you how important search engine placement is. You either earn it with quality content, loads of SEO work, paying for placement, or all of the above. And even we you achieve best placement, you need to be wary of your content becoming stale or someone else coming along...

How to Play Retro Game ROMs on Windows

Video games are always a fun time, something we desperately need during our COVID lockdown. A few years back I shared how to play retro games on Mac, as well as how to patch games to play popular ROM hacks like Grand Poo World and Invictus. One disadvantage that Macs have, however, is performance...

How to Add Native Keyword Aliases to Babel

Those of you who follow this blog know that not every blog post is an endorsement of a technique but simply a tutorial how to accomplish something.  Sometimes the technique described is probably not something you should do.  This is one of those blog posts. The Babel parser is an essential tool...

JavaScript Picture-in-Picture API

As a huge fan of media on the web, I’m always excited about enhancements to how we can control our media. Maybe I get excited about simple things like the <video> tag and its associated elements and attributes because media on the web started with custom codecs, browser extensions,...

How to Create a CSS-Tricks Custom Scrollbar

Chris Coyier of CSS-Tricks is an amazing engineer and blogger. He’s not only creative but has always had the drive to put his thoughts to work, no matter how large. He also has a good eye for the little things that can make CSS-Tricks or your site special. One of those little things is...

Detect git Directory with Bash

One interesting aspect of working at Mozilla is that Firefox lives in a mercurial repository while several other projects live on GitHub in a git repository. While most focus on either Firefox or another project, I switch between both, leaving me running git commands inside the mercurial repository...

5 Essential git Commands and Utilities

For many of us, git and GitHub play a huge role in our development workflows. Whenever we have a tool that we need to use often, the more fine-tuned we can make that tool, the faster we can get things done. The following are five git commands or helpers that can make your developer life...

Teamstack: Easy Automation of Identity Management (Sponsored)

Access management can be a bit of a nightmare, especially when we realize that we rely on a number of different, independent services that power our organizations. Many businesses use Gmail for email, Google Docs for documents, Slack for communication, GitHub for their codebase, etc. Yet each...

How to Cancel a Fetch Request

JavaScript promises have always been a major win for the language — they’ve led to a revolution of asynchronous coding that has vastly improved performance on the web. One shortcoming of native promises is that there’s no true way to cancel a fetch…until now. A...

How to Simulate Long HTTP Requests

It happens less frequently these days but there are times when we need to accommodate for a HTTP request timing out. The service could be down, under heavy traffic, or just poorly coded, or any host of other issues. Whenever I need to simulate a long HTTP request, I use a bit of PHP...

Tips for Working Remotely and Enjoying It!

With the coronavirus spreading and employers telling employees work from home if possible, there are scores of people getting their first taste of working remotely. Depending on your experience and discipline levels, this could be a welcomed change or a complete culture shock. The amount of freedom...

Hex Opacity Table

We’ve used hex colors for years but 8-digit hexadecimal is still relatively new. While rgba is simple to understand, 8-digit hex is more difficult, as you need to provide a hex representation of a numeric value. The following is a hexadecimal chart of opacity! 100 FF 99 FC 98 FA 97 F7 96...

How to Set a Default Commit Message

Having a default commit message is really useful for a number of reasons: It can formalize your commit messages It serves as a good reminder for the information you should add to your commit message, like issue number If you set it to “Drunk AF, don’t accept this” To set a default...

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