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Když to Lenovo představilo na CESu, klidně bychom řekli, že jde o prototyp, který se do prodeje nedostane. Přesto ale hodně netradiční Thinkbook Plus dorazil i na náš trh. Zaujme především dotykovým e-ink displejem na vnější straně. I v zavřeném stavu tedy vidíte informace na víku a současně

Striking a Balance Between Native and Custom Select Elements

Here’s the plan! We’re going to build a styled select element. Not just the outside, but the inside too. Total styling control. Plus we’re going to make it accessible. We’re not going to try to replicate everything that the browser does by default with a native <select> element. We’re going...

Chrome 83 Form Element Styles

There have been some aesthetic changes to what form elements look like as of Chrome 83. Anything with gradient colorization is gone (notably the extra-shiny <meter stuff). The consistency across the board is nice, particularly between inputs and textareas. Not a big fan of the new <select...

[aktualita] Rádia Pigy a DAB Plus Top 40 mají prodloužené digitální licence

Rada pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání prodloužila licence k digitálnímu rozhlasovému vysílání stanic Pigy Rádio a DAB Plus Top 40. V prvním případě jde o dětské vysílání z portfolia mediální skupiny Active Radio, druhá stanice je hudební a provozuje ji plzeňská firma FM Records. Licence...

The Many Bad (and Good!) Patterns for Close Buttons

Manuel Matuzović details 10 bad HTML patterns for a close button. You know, stuff like this: <a class="close" onclick="close()"×</a Why is that bad? There is no href there, so it really isn’t a link (close buttons aren’t links). Not to mention the missing href makes this...

A Guide to the Responsive Images Syntax in HTML

This guide is about the HTML syntax for responsive images (and a little bit of CSS for good measure). We'll go over srcset and , plus a whole bunch of things to consider to help you get the best performance and design control from your images. The post A Guide to the Responsive Images Syntax...

How to Build a Chrome Extension

I made a Chrome extension this weekend because I found I was doing the same task over and over and wanted to automate it. Plus, I’m a nerd during a pandemic, so I spend my weird pent-up energy building things. I’ve made five Chrome extensions with that energy, yet I still find it hard...

CSS Animation Timelines: Building a Rube Goldberg Machine

If you’re going to build a multi-step CSS animation or transition, you have a particular conundrum. The second step needs a delay that is equal to the duration of the first step. And the third step is equal to the duration of the first two steps, plus any delay in between. It gets more...

[aktualita] Český rozhlas spustil další tři FM vysílače pro stanici Plus

Český rozhlas oznámil, že pro města Benešov, Vlašim a Šumperk spustil v pondělí 4. května nové vysílače stanice ČRo Plus. V případě lokality Benešov-Bezručova jde o kmitočet 104 MHz (výkon 100 W), v lokalitě Vlašim-Komenského 91 MHz (100 W) a v lokalitě Šumperk-Vrchlického 101,5 MHz (200 W). ...

2020 Stack

In an article with the most clickbaity article ever, Joe Honton does a nice job of talking about the evolving landscape of web development. "Full-stack" perhaps had its day as a useful term, but since front-end development touches so many parts of the stack now, it's not a particularly useful term....

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